My testicles!? kill!


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I have been on Proscar for 2 weeks...My left ball kills at times. What can I do to prevent this? and is this normal? how long would this keep happening for?


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This is common. It sucks. Its more of an ache. And it drove me insane. I honestly don't know what to tell you except maybe to suggest that you hang on until about month 2 because it goes away. Probably way sooner. What you should do is ... if it keeps coming back over the next 12 months, keep an eye on it and do not let it get bad... and discontinue finasteride treatment. The first few weeks suck ... but things level out after that. Do not have sex or masturbate ANYWHERE NEAR as much right now... give your epididymus a rest ... let things settle down ... once they do you should be golden. Do not however do what I did, and ignore months of it. That is being irresponsible. It usually comes and goes every few months. If its still showing up 6 months down the road, and its still painful, stop the finasteride.


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I had the same thing but didn't have the balls to ride it out, quite literally! I reduced my dose to 0.25mg and haven't had any problems in the balls department since. My low dose must be working to some degree as I no longer get erections when I wake up in the morning, which is apparently a common side effect, but it is nearly three months now and I am still getting quite a lot of hairs falling out.