My Testosterone Results are in...


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I am 34, was on finasteride for only 3 months...was off two months...had my blood work done on Monday (before resuming finasteride)...I have always had a VERY high drive, and lean muscle mass, good recoup time, etc.

Even after 3 months of finasteride, and being off two months (nearly the same amount of time off as on), my T levels remain what the doctor described as "very high"

the range for an adult male is 241 to 827. I rated in at 607.

I will continue with my reduced dosage of finasteride and hopefully that 607 won't drop too much either way.

Clearly, being on finasteride did NO harm long term.


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You could have checked out the DHT levels also. DHT levels before propecia and with propecia. Just to have an idea.


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My doctor and I talked about that, the DHT levels are not covered by my insurance though...given my drive and the number it appears I have, I think all is well.

I just think the body has to adjust to the finasteride.


it took me about 5 months for my body to get used to finasteride... i never had my t-levels checked but its probly a smart idea is it covered for everyone if they have aninsurance plan RNTypical?


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Well I hate to tell you this but finasteride stops T turning into DHT so that would give you a higher T level.