My theory for male pattern baldness in young people (pics included)


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I've lost my password but I was an active member a couple of months ago. I've checked all the young people that are balding like me and I find that we got something in common : the shape of the forehead. This shape of forehead is very special and I got it at 19 years old. At that time I was quite depressed because I found it ugly but I wasn't aware that it was the beginning of something more awful : male pattern baldness. One week later after I've noticed it my hair started to fall in quite a fast rate and a month latermy hairline receded 1cm and the hair on the corners were thinning. Many of the young people like me who are balding have got this shape of forehead. Here is the pics : [...] imir.putin [...] .php?lid=7


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thats generally how most men bald, its called a typical reseeding hairline

the "shape" of the forehead of course ends up looking the same, because they hair is lost in a similar pattern, and heads are generally shaped about the same


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Ok I think you don't understand : this shape forehead appeared on my face before any receeding hairline or hair loss came. Maybe we should do a poll and ask how many young people consider that they fot is type of forehead. My theory is that the changes in the osteology of the skull make hair in certain places more exposed to DHT. When I analyse my skull I can see that all the part concerned by the horse shoe pattern is not in the same level. Actually, it is lower. I'm also want to know why sides hair are falling first. Maybe it's becaused they are more exposed to DHT than the other hair. And also another point haven't you noticed that you in a typical male pattern baldness horse shoe pattern you can't lose hair behind the sides before you've lost the sides hair?

sorry but I'm not an english native speaker. I hope you understand what I write


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becksfan7777 said:
And also I've noticed that the diffuse thinner are used to have very thick hairs before they lose them and also the have quite a very special shape of forehead and also a very special hairline with a widow's peak. That people will never do a horse shoe pattern male pattern baldness. Why?

Here is some photos : ... miller.jpg
He has a full set of hair!!