My Theory on male pattern baldness


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Okay this is my own theory I dont want to hear people bashing me about whats true and whats not..

I noticed myself thinning about a yuear ago, i started taking nioxin for 6 months thought it was doing something but it was just hurting my hairloss evenmore I would stay away from it, i didnt take anythign all summer and this is where my hear started thinning like crazy. I was afraid to take propecia and didnt want to go on rogaine. so i waited till about sept and i went on nizoral, with Head and shoulders on the side. My hair isnt that bad, but when you notice it thinning you get worried. i didnt see much so i got revivogen after a month of that i just thought whats the point so i stopped taking revi gradually and went on propecia.

I am starting to notice my hair is a lot stronger then it was before, after 3 months of being on it.

My side effects have been, I am more horny now then i ever was, ever since i started it, maybe the first week i ididnt care to much for sex.

I think this is a reaction why MY body to counter the lack of DHT in my body. Ejaculating creates more DHT in the body( my guess). if i wasnt having sex with my gf i was always horny no matter so wakin it to p**rn or not.

So I think the main reason for DHT build up in the body is thinking about sex too much and waking off too much.

Just a question in here how many people wack off too much to p**rn.? we all know we do it haha.

I think this is the majority of the problems, we know propecia effects some peoples sex lives but why? My guess is that the way we think about sex and how much we have effects the DHT levels in our body with effects our hair..

I know im talking out of my *** here, but work with me. Im only trying to help.

Seems to be working well for me now.


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venomman said:
So I think the main reason for DHT build up in the body is thinking about sex too much and waking off too much.

Oh no! The Christian Conservatives have gotten to you! Thinking about sex has nothing to do with DHT

Wackin' it: This has largely been dismissed as a myth. However, jerking off too can't be the best thing for you. Cutting back A LITTLE BIT might help you in some ways, but probably not with hair loss.... you never know though.


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thinking does mess with your hormones tho, its a fact, when your nervous or stressed that has effect on your body why wouldnt being horny as hell.

Also yeah jerking it you dont know it could effect DHT, thats why this is my theory. maybe it does effect it, maybe it doesnt. I think it does IMO of course


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venomman said:
I know im talking out of my *** here.
Hey I agree with you on that :lol:
eating food effects hormone levels too....Sorry bro you're about the 647,587th person that has thought of this "theory" and posted about it :) . Nobody can give any evidence that it's related to hairloss in any way.
I will say this though, having some self control is a good thing, not for the hair but for the Chi

Green Soap

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there's one little flaw in your theory....

All the guys running around with full heads of hair who:

jerk off five times daily...
have stressful jobs.....
use tons of goop in their hair for styling...
eat nothing but twinkies and hot dogs....
and on, and on, and on.

You're thinking about all this WAAY too much or smoking WAAY too much weed. Now you're buying into the myths. Think about the obvious facts.


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You're going to produce regardless if you ejaculate or not. Not jacking off just leads to a wet dream.

If you strongly believe in this theory, get some blood work done.


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Matgallis said:
You're going to produce regardless if you ejaculate or not. Not jacking off just leads to a wet dream.

If you strongly believe in this theory, get some blood work done.

That is correct.

The Rock

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However can't it be argued that the guys who don't lose their hair and do masterbate alot, eat like sh*t, and so on and so forth just aren't effected one way or a nother by it......but those who are have speed up the process or just overall effected the process greatly.........

Bone Daddy

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Jesus, not this topic again. I say we make the "SEARCH" button five times the size of it's current state.


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im not asking questions its my theory, and if you look someone else provided a link in another forum relating to this and its proof. so maybe im onto osmething

The Gardener

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No, you aren't.

The body adjusts hormone levels in the bloodstream to maintain equilibrium, even if you masturbate yourself raw. Additionally, when you masturbate, you aren't 'masturbating away' any testosterone or hormones, you are simply masturbating away sugars and sperm.