My trip to the dermatologist


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Today, I had to go to a dermatologist for a money robbing visit, as they would not allow me to call a refill of propecia in over the phone. The dermatologist, young with a full head of hair of course, was asking me the typical questions and I told him that I thought my hair had receded more in the 8.5 months I have been using propecia. I said I thought I had made some gains in the thickness department at the 6 month mark but that has since reversed itself.

This dermatologist did not seem well versed in the world of hair loss (I learn way way way way way more from this board), so to do his job he figured he would take pictures as he did 8.5 months ago, while saying, "I'll just take some pictures to document the progress, errr, lack thereof." As you can imagine, I was pretty bummed.

In the end he wrote me another 5 months of propecia, so my questions are: Do you think things can turn around at the 9+ month mark? Should I add other things? The first inch of my hair is this depressing wispy stuff that just keeps going and going, and I must say the front 1/3 of my scalp seems tender and in pain. The right side is so much thinner. Sorry for the rant, I am just hoping somehow things turn around or stabilize.