My two cents on my personal battle


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What up Fellas,

Well, I was thinking about my own fight against hairloss and figure I should share a few of my thoughts. They may be useless to some, but help others. Any who, since beginning my battle the word "shed" has been dreadfulllll, its something that always freaks me out. But its a word that I have come to understand and appreciate as of late. Since day one I have shed a tremendous amount of hair, there were days where 200+ hairs would flee my scalp like a boat of Cubans going to America. Those were scary days and even when I shed now, its not as bad. Today, I look back on the beginning and realize that "hey, I still have hair" The amount of hair that was shed was so large that by now, I should technically, be bald! Well, I'm not and my hair seems to be getting healthier. Even though I am now going through another shed, and some days I gringe and panic, which is only normal. But I know that in the end things will be ok and I will recover and move on to battle yet another shed. It is that type of mentally that I have come to live with, that Ive come to learn from many folks here, that has helped me deal with the daily battle that hair loss is. For all that it's worth, patience is an essential part of any regimen and with out it I would of driven myself crazy. So dont count hair, enjoy life because if you dont no one will do it for you.

Also, I have been using H&S Intense treatment shampoo on my off days from Nizoral and it has helped me SO much. It is to me a much better combo then Nizoral and T-Gel.

Anyways fellas...I hope all is well!

T. Montana