My ultimate Experiment (*POSSIBLE* solution to finasteride sides)


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Little introduction:

I'm 19 years old, thinning temples in a Norwood 2.5 pattern with huge family history so i know where i'm headed. (Check story for details)

I was on Fincar Cut into 1.25mg for over 6 months and suffered (What i thought to be, could be wrong) pretty bad mental sides - Almost depression, but i don't think it got THAT serious yet. Anyways i couldn't take it anymore as i was in my first year of studies (This could have easily done it, maybe it wasnt the finasteride but i didnt want to take chances) and eventually i started feeling better : Once again, it could be because i got used to school and maybe had nothing to do with finasteride, but i didn't want to gamble.

Anyways, the hairloss has been progressing like i thought it would, so now i'm going to make one last ditch effort to incorporate Finasteride into my regimen.

Heres the idea:

WE KNOW finasteride has an ALMOST flat dose response so therefore i am going to try to take .05 MG finasteride EOD.

Normally this would be a practically impossible feat with a regular pill-cutter, so i'm going to take a different approach. What I'm going to do is first of all use my chemistry departments analytical balance (.00001 G accuracy) and measure the weight of ONE Fincar pill (It's not possible that each pill weighs 5mg, that would mean 200 pills would equal 1 gram, yeah right).

Once i have the mass measured, i will know what Mass % of active ingredient is contained within each pill (Probably like 1% or something - So 5mg Finasteride in 500mg of pill). I will then take a bunch of said pills and grind them up into as fine a powder as i can get (smashing the sh*t out of them with a hammer would probably work). I will then use a .01 g accuracy pocket scale and fill up the proper amount of powder into empty capsules (Can buy them anywhere) so that i know i will have .05 +- .01 Mg of finasteride in each capsule. This means that it would be roughly 5 MG of powder in each capsule -- a very minute ammount.

Hopefully this will alleviate or completely abolish all sides, i am seriously going to try this. The data makes sense : ... index.html

As you can see from the graphs : the ammount of SCALP DHT lowered with a .05 mg finasteride dose and a 1mg dose is practically identical....HOWEVER serum DHT inhibition is about a 20% difference, which can be significant for many people. For me, its enough to justify the work i'll put into this (Realistically shouldnt take more than an hour to make a months supply), plus it would be UBER cheap.

If my reasoning behind this is faulty, please let me know so that i dont try something impossible, lol. Thanks for reading.


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So wheres the data on prostate DHT inhibition? Are you absolutely SURE that sides dont come from serum dht inhibition?


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Well unless it is in a vacuum, and you have a special container which dishes out the desired dosage, you are going to continually expose it to air and moisture on a daily basis


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The finasteride will be exposed to air for about 30 min while i weigh out the proper ammounts to go into each capsule. Legitimate propecia pills aren't sealed in a vacuum either, they're inside a pill bottle which still has 'air' in it.


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Heres the problem as I see it - I dont think serum DHT is what is important in terms of sides. I think for libido you have 5-AR activity/DHT in the tissues of the penis and you also have 5-AR/DHT activity in the brain. Both of these are goin g to be affected about the same as your scalpwill be by the lower dosage. ie if you are getting enough DHT in the brain/genitals to be feeling friskier theres a good chance you are getting enough in the scalp to be speeding up hair loss again.
However I do not know this for a fact. I think you should go ahead and try it out coss I would frankly love to be wrong about this. From all my experiments so far it has seemed to be the case that trying to block androgen activity on the scalp but not at other crucial places in the body is, as somebody else said "like trying to get drunk yet not impair your driving skills". A very sad fact if true so I hope things turn out better for you.


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good thinking, try it and let us know...I am curently going with 0.5 of finpecia

optimus prime

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Hey Barca,

I want to drop down soon to 0.5. How do you do it at the moment? Do you use 5mg and break it up? I mean before your experiment of course.


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well I use the pill cutter that I got from walgreens to cut finpecia pill into halfs..


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well the theorists may disagree, but i think 0.05mg of finasteride is the best chance of not getting any sides.

people here who got sides on the standard dosage have experienced little to no sides with reduced dosages, namely going from 1mg to 0.5mg or 0.25mg

i am contemplating taking finasteride at 0.05mg


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harold said:
Heres the problem as I see it - I dont think serum DHT is what is important in terms of sides. I think for libido you have 5-AR activity/DHT in the tissues of the penis and you also have 5-AR/DHT activity in the brain. Both of these are goin g to be affected about the same as your scalpwill be by the lower dosage. ie if you are getting enough DHT in the brain/genitals to be feeling friskier theres a good chance you are getting enough in the scalp to be speeding up hair loss again.
However I do not know this for a fact. I think you should go ahead and try it out coss I would frankly love to be wrong about this. From all my experiments so far it has seemed to be the case that trying to block androgen activity on the scalp but not at other crucial places in the body is, as somebody else said "like trying to get drunk yet not impair your driving skills". A very sad fact if true so I hope things turn out better for you.

You may be absolutely right. But the way i see it (judging by these studies) is that this should theoretically be the lowest possible risk for sides (doesnt mean it will abolish them) while having a relatively excellent effect on hair. This is pretty intuitive as lower dosage=lower sides. IMO basically the absolute best chance you'll ever have of taking finasteride and greatly limiting the sides. I just ordered a 1 mg scale (sh*t, i hope its reasonably accurate). I'll post any sucess i have of measuring the finasteride. I wish it was water soluble, lol.


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bubka said:
I don't believe wallgreens has "finpecia" just generic 5mg finasteride, at least in the US.

I was talking about the pill cutter....I get my finasteride from unitedpharmacies


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I have been taking 0.25mg of finasteride every other day, my hair has grown thicker and I don't experience the watery semen any more.

Judging from MY personal experience, lowering dosage does lowering the chance of getting potential sides. I had strong sides on 1mg, and no sides at 0.25mg daily. I take it every second day because I want to consume 0.1mg of finasteride daily on average and pill cutter fails to assist me on that.

One thing worth mentioning is the affect didn't long take place right away. I first noticed sides go away after adapoting to the new dose 3 weeks after, it certainly did not happen over night.

Ian Curtis

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bubka said:
Well unless it is in a vacuum, and you have a special container which dishes out the desired dosage, you are going to continually expose it to air and moisture on a daily basis
This is why I dont trust much on cutting pills.