My uneventfull first month on Finasteride.

Pirate Commander F.B.

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Dear Fellow Norwooders,

exactly on month ago this day I started on 1/4 Proscar once a day. I also started using Nizoral 2 weeks ago. This is my whole regimen. I did use minoxidil for about a month 2 years ago, but had to quit due to serious side effects and scalp inflammation.

Anyway, I was pretty scared to get on finasteride before. So I'm happy to say my first month on it has been rather uneventfull. My observations so far are:


- reduction of scalp/forehead oilymess. This I am certain of. Before I had to dry my forehead with a tissue a couple of times a day. I don't have to do that at all any more, even if I don't wash my hair for a couple of days. No more itchyness either.


- My hair seems easier to style. Perhaps more hair is in the anagen phase? No noticable reduction or increase in daily loss I'm aware of.

- Increased confidence. Probably 'cause I know I'm now using something that has been scientifically proven and high succes rates.

- Hmmm my libido ... no so sure if Finasteride has had any effect on it so far. I do find I have less of a need to masturbate (no love in my life nowadays). But psychologists say that frequent masturbation can be a result of anxiety, which has certainly been alleviated fairly substantially over the past month. Clean bedsheets rule btw! I still have erections of steel like only a real man can have.

So that's pretty much it. Other than the oil-thing I can't objectively say I've noticed the effects of the drug. From reading testimonials it seems like the second month is generally when people experience some temporary sexual side effects though. So I'm mentally prepared for that, should it happen.

I would like to thank Cassin. Reading his accounts in the "tell you story" section gave me the confidence to try Finasteride. If it goes wrong, at least I tried.