My weird head.


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Hi peeps as you know im the guy usually trying to cheer and at least try and make people feel better (many people here i believe think im **** at trying to do this fair does lol)...i came across this thread a year or so ago looking up vids about people losing their hair...i came interested in peoples "journeys" with their hairloss cause i been there myself.

Anyway my worry like nature about the balding situation lately came back (thanks OCD) about my pointy looking head (at the back of my head lol)...i seen it many times and even though i thought it was weird i didnt worry to much about it and lived life happily (pretty much forgetting about it)...but boom the worries came to stay it all started by just looking in the mirror any other day i see it think its weird and move along but this time the worries were to stay...i also saw on another forum like page someone saying pointy heads look weird (weird how i worry huh? after all the things i read here and think nothing of it)

You may be thinking "but wait you are the guy who always says i dont care what others say or think etc"...thats true i dont but OCD works differently while most people every now again as confident as they may be think bad or think something weird about themselves for a spilt second or few minutes the "worries" and thoughts go not long after and they ok OCD dont work like that it latches on to any bad thought i have no matter how stupid i think it is or untrue it is etc and comes obsessive

Suppose the point (pun intended) im trying to make is even though i am positive here and saying i dont care etc etc etc butat times i do worry i mean we are all human (obviously its a no brainer)...dont get me wrong i ment everything i said here when i said i didnt care etc etc i truly did mean it...i always felt "on top of the world" sort of speak when saying it and there was never a inch of doubt when i would say certain things...i would be a man and say otherwise if it wasnt true (i dont mind if you dont believe me though is what it is)...i always stick with the always be yourself no MATTER how you look attitude always my OCD got me for a while but i will bounce back and be myself again i am a bald guy now no matter how weird my head looks or think it looks regardless it dont this far with people doubting me no way im backing down now.

Sorry about my English as you all know im a dumbass when it comes to my English lol...i be going from here for a while (most wont care i wasnt really liked here lol)...i hope you all find peace i really do mean that even after all the silly arguments i have had with guys here i still hope you will be happy in life i mean why shouldnt we? goodbye for now guys good luck and be well peace out for now.


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Sorry about my English as you all know im a dumbass when it comes to my English lol...i be going from here for a while (most wont care i wasnt really liked here lol)...i hope you all find peace i really do mean that even after all the silly arguments i have had with guys here i still hope you will be happy in life i mean why shouldnt we? goodbye for now guys good luck and be well peace out for now.

Your English is more than ok :).. never say sorry :D


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flat occiput is a racial trait, common in dinarids/armenoids, nothing wrong with that


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flat occiput is a racial trait, common in dinarids/armenoids, nothing wrong with that

I ment in the crown area and thanks John.


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Danny, your english is fine. I always assumed you were british.

Is a bit bad though im not just saying that cause others have said it here (they wouldnt say anything if i happened to agree with them anyway)...but my english is bad as in commars things like that but thanks anyway.


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after reading this thread, well what can i say?

after conteplating the contents of this topic i've come to the conclusion that i'd rather go to Lana del Ray's concert than Elthon John's.
not that i value her music more than Elthon's, on the contrary. but a pretty young flesh is more pleasant to look at than a fat, old man wearing a rug.
guess it's me admitting to being shallow and a baldist as well.


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after reading this thread, well what can i say?

after conteplating the contents of this topic i've come to the conclusion that i'd rather go to Lana del Ray's concert than Elthon John's.
not that i value her music more than Elthon's, on the contrary. but a pretty young flesh is more pleasant to look at than a fat, old man wearing a rug.
guess it's me admitting to being shallow and a baldist as well.

O...K? lol.


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My Regimen
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after reading this thread, well what can i say?

after conteplating the contents of this topic i've come to the conclusion that i'd rather go to Lana del Ray's concert than Elthon John's.
not that i value her music more than Elthon's, on the contrary. but a pretty young flesh is more pleasant to look at than a fat, old man wearing a rug.
guess it's me admitting to being shallow and a baldist as well.

Is a baldist kinda like a term(like racist) for people against being bald or just disliking the looks of a bald person, I dig it man! Next time I grunt about my baldness i'll just say im being a baldist or if someone points out my baldness in a bad way i'll just say your being a baldist


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Is a baldist kinda like a term(like racist) for people against being bald or just disliking the looks of a bald person, I dig it man! Next time I grunt about my baldness i'll just say im being a baldist or if someone points out my baldness in a bad way i'll just say your being a baldist

the former - no, the latter - yes. me hating on Elthon for being a bald, unsuitable for public viewing, old **** should be considered baldism, but taking a dislike in one's own baldness is a fair game.

so hate on your ugly, bald head all you want without guilt.