Myth or Fact?


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Is there any truth behind the belief that hair becomes rogaine dependant to live i.e "rogaine hair". To me that would mean that if you applied rogaine to an area where you have normal amount of hair it will fall out faster if you stop treating it with rogaine because it is now "rogaine dependant".

Also, if you experience regrowth with rogaine and then stop but continue using propecia or dutasteride would you keep that new regrowth? Or would it fall out because of the hairs so called dependancy on rogaine as in the example above?

Hair becoming dependant on a topical solution seems strange to me but what do you guys think is this a myth or a fact?

Far Too Young

Established Member
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cf. ... highlight=

This should help out.

I've read that hairs which would not need minoxidil do not become dependent upon minoxidil. However, it may appear as such if you begin using minoxidil, your hairloss progresses (but minoxidil restimulates a good deal of follicles that NEED minoxidil) though it does not appear as such. When you stop minoxidil you're losing hair from follicles that would have otherwise been miniaturized. Regular follicles don't become "dependent," though