Myths about hairtransplants? Koray vs. Öztan?


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Hi to everyone,

I am seriously considering a hair transplant in September/Oktorber. I am from Germany but decided to do in in Turkey since thats were a lot of the good doctors are + its cheap(er).

It was always very obvious to me that i wanted an FUE transplant. I didnt even considered FUT. Yes, it is cheaper but that I rather through a little more money on my problem.
I generally wear my hair very short in the back so a FUT scar would be visible I think. What is you guys opinion on that? Is not going for FUT a rooky mistake? Ive recently watched a
video where a guy explained that it would be stupid to go for an FUE for the first hair transplant. Fair to say, i didnt really trusted the video. Just to be sure I wanted to aks since there
are some very educated people in the forum.

Regarding the FUE. I narrowed my search down to two surgeons. Both arent cheap and have somewhat good reputations (with such a delicate topic its very hard to find someone with 100% satsified customers).
I did an online consultation an Dr. Koray is suggesting 3000 grafts while the Hairline Clinic suggests 2000-2500 grafts. From what ive read, Dr. Koray usally uses more Grafts than other Doctors for the same area.
Surprisingly I surgury would only take one day. The schedule say, I would arrive the first day, on the second day there would be a 3000 grafts session(s) and on the thrird day I would be able to leave. The way Ive heard it, surgeons only extract 500-800 hairs per session. Is it possible to do 3000 in one day?

The Hairline Clinic scheduled the operation for 4 days, which seems more reasonable.

Both operations would be abound 8000-9000€.

Which clinic would you recommend? What do you think about the FUE, FUT?


- - - Updated - - -

Sorry, for all the typos. I'm trying to edit the original post but I cant seem to access it right now.


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If you wear your hair short then go with an FUE, I wouldn't even consider FUT.