Name Brand vs Generic PLEASE HELP


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Wassup Guys, if this topic has been discussed b4 i apologize, but im new and need some advice. Any help is appreciated.

Ive been on propecia for over 2 years now and have been using rogaine 5% for about a year and a half. I believe it has slowed my hair loss some, but i can see some thinning in the front hairline, scalp on the temples (one side is worse then the other). I got my hair pretty long, since i startin thinning (was on accutane for over 2 years) i figured i'll grow as much as i can and go out wit a bang. Well now everytime i comb my hair i always get a whole bunch of hair out. I dont know if its cause of the hair being long or if im shedding. I dont always use rogaine consistently. Most of the time, once a day and i usually wet my scalp b4 i apply it (is this good or bad)

Now with that out the way, my question is, do you guys think it is alright to switch to the generic versions of these products because i cant afford the high prices. I got Equate 5% and plan on gettin Finpecia 1MG. I dont know much about this Finpecia but the prices are much better than propecia and i dont if the equate is goin to work either. I want to know you guys opinion on these 2 products and also how i should make the transaction.

Where is a cheap and trustworthy place i can get some finpecia (if its worth it) or propecia.

I came across this place which is selling 90 tablets fo $55 USD. Is this a deal or what?

Once again Thanks and god bless


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if cost is a problem buy proscar or if you want it even cheaper got fincar and split it in to 1/4 i get a years supply of proscar for under a 150 us dollars
for cheap minoxidil you could try ebay there are a lot of guys on this forum who buy kirkland minoxidil from there i think you can get 4 months supply for 24 dolars

if you need the web site address of any cheap legit places to get you min and finasteride just ask
hope this helps



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my brother has been using hair-again (generic monoxidil) and has had great results



Proscar is a 5mg Finasteride tablet

Propecia is a 1mg Finasteride tablet

They are sold for a similar price, many people here buy the Proscar and chop it into fifths, making it a fifth of the price compared to propecia.

This method means you are getting Merck Brand Finasteride cheaply. A years supply costs me around £80 UK ($150 of your american dollars)

You must keep the minoxidil applications fairly consistant, it probably ok to miss one or two now and again but I know from taking three weeks off you better be prepared to loose a little ground.

How consistant are you with minoxidil?

The little booklet you get with Rogaine says apply to a dry scalp, many here like to shower then towel dry their hair and scalp before application so they are applying the minoxidil to a hydrated scalp as opposed to a wet scalp.

good luck



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Thanks alot kiwi1973 and tynanW,

Could you guys tell me a good place to get some Proscar from, im in the US. What do yall think about the Equate brand of monoxil, i already bought a 3 month supply. I figured monoxil is monoxil, correct me if im wrong

kiwi1973, may you tell me those sites when you get a chance
Where can i get some of that hair-again and can you tell me more about it

tynanW, I sometimes miss a day or two, at the most 3 days. But i consistently apply it only once a day. College has made me lazy as hell. But im tryin my best to do it twice a day now.

Thanks alot guys and god bless


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Can someone please follow up on this post made by shizzel

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2004 5:16 pm Post subject: Fincar vs Proscar


"Fincar is made in India. Even though it contains the exact same chemical as Proscar (5mg of finasteride), its cost is significantly less than that of Proscar"

I looked up Fincar and it contains Finasteride and i was curious why no one mentioned it in the forums. It's 50% percent cheaper than Proscar and u can get in in 5mg.

I am 20 years old and my hair is thinning both in the back and front. i been reading these forums for a month and doing some research on other products as well. I am about two weeks away from ordering Fincar online unless i get any bad feed back about it.