
nano again...

can idream summore

New Member
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sorry im just a dumb drunk w/ a drug problem..but all i was asking was if i just used the nano shampo, to start with, will i see any extra fall out?
also where can i find it on the net discrettly mailed, and cheap?


Experienced Member
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Theres only one place to get Nano. It costs $40 for a "2-3 month supply".

Dream Boy, you are a wreck and a mess. Youre going to be throwing your money away and your hair is going to continue to fall out and youre just going to be more depressed and end up drinking and using more.

How much hair will you have on your head when you hit rock bottom and finally decide to turn your life around, start living right and doing what it takes to keep whats left? Or will you ever...