Nanogen and itching


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I bought a can of nanogen for covering a small thinning zone in the crown. Since the very first application I experience itching and redness in the zone where I apply it, not something spectacular, but noticeable.

I´m not planning to use it everyday, only in nights out, or something like that, and a minimal amount, just to make my huge cowlick look denser. But this itching makes me wonder if it would affect negatively my treatment. And what worries me most is that the zone is red.

The fact is that with just a little product to thicken my cowlick I have a full head of hair. It looks totally natural.

Woud you recommend to use it as I plan? Could itching and redness dissapear after some applications?. Any similar experiences??.


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I had the same thing happen quite a while back when I started using toppik which is essentially the same thing. I got this incredible itch all over where I applied it. It truly sucked but it seemed to stop after a while. I only use toppik very occassionally now (have had the same can for a year) and never get any irritation at all when I do.


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Thanks for your input!!

Btw, I´ve heard nanogen is very similar to toppik, but fibers are smaller. Are toppik fibers visible??

Nanogen fibers are VERY small, wich is good for undetectability, but I can´t find the way to apply it without spreading some dust in the air...


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I don't believe the toppik fibers are least I hope not. I really don't use much. I make sure my hair is bulked up with whatever styling product I'm using before I apply the toppik. I just sprinkle on a little and kind of massage it into the hair. The end result is the toppik clinging more to the hair shafts rather than sitting on the scalp. It definitely gives my hair a thicker, fuller appearance while using minimal product. Yes, I think I probably waste quite a bit as the fibers tend to fly around as I'm massaging it in....but I ony use it now on the rare occassion so it's not that big of a waste.

Vinton Harper

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I've never had any redness using Nanogen, or Hairsoreal. As for itching, yeah, I've had that, but I attribute most of that to the psyche, i.e. knowing you can't scratch your head with that crap in it :lol: , so naturally you are going to be more sensitive to the "itchy" sensation, real or imagined.


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No way it´s my mind playing tricks. If it´s an intense itch, localized in the zone where I apply the product, that last for 10+ hours after the application. Also there´s noticeable redness in the zone.

I had it when I was at home, after a trial application, and I DID scratched my head!!

Could it be an alergic reaction?? I don´t think so, as I had the product in other areas of the skin without adverse reaction...

Why that intense itching???

Oh, God!, what a pity, the stuff looked great. With just a little bit in my crown I have a full head hair!!!

And it looks very natural, even when being combed, hair looks, feels and "bounces" naturally.

...what a dellusion!