Nanogen fibers quality decreased over the years?


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It is been my belief for some time.
I used Nanogen first time in 2010 for a short period, and then i dropped the "bottle" somewhere.
Now i found the bottle. I remember they were very good quality then: very very fine fibers, and if i was to rub the metal strip on the side of the bottle to a cloth, when i opened the bottle, the fibers would pop straight up a few milimeters(really cool).

Ok, so i re-began to us Nanogen fibers from 2013-now, and bought another bottles.
The quality of them now sucks, compared to before: now the fibers are bigger, they are almost like some sand, and that "static electrifying" effect is totally inexistent now.
As a curiosity, i found that old bottle, and even if, after so much time, they are clearly expired and clogged, trying them i was surprised to find out that, even in this state, they are better than this dust they provide now.
So what happened to this company?
Do you know another brand which would compare, in quality, to Nanogen some years ago?
I mean, very tiny fibers, which charge easily from static electricity.
What sells Nanogen now as hair fibers is a total joke, it is almost like they fill the bottles with sand.
The fibers are too big, and they don't retain static electricity almost at all!

Quantum Cat

Senior Member
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there are so many fibres on the market now


and others...... Spoilt for choice