Nanoguard ? ? (I'll try again!)


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It gets me how my question can be deleted yet someone stating there going to get laid stays :roll:


I have brought this product Nanoguard from LINK REMOVED

now to me it seems to work or am I just being to optimistic ?

has anyone been using longer than I have (1 week) ? ?
if so is it doing any good

it's supposed to be a DHT blocker ! and the cheapest i could find available in the UK if anyone knows of any others please let me know !

all the best



Mmmmm. I never heard of this one before. Anyone else heard of this???


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Ermmmm i think someone said this was a scam.


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I read someone had asked the question was this a scam !

is this because of the low price (thinking it's a scam) ?

though i must say i've only been using it a week with Nanothick and my hair does seem to be getting thicker and i no longer have hair in the bath or on my pillow in the morning this must be some kind of good sign !

just would like to know if it is going to work or is it no better than a good shampoo ?

can anyone work out from the ingredients if it's any good ?

how good do we think this promise is ?
Try NEW Nanoguard for 30 days and if you do not notice a significant reduction in the number of hairs lost on the pillow or in the shower then just send us back the product packaging, even if it is empty and we will refund the product cost with no questions asked. Yes! we're that confident you'll love it


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they always do those money back things though don't they, just so people go oh it can't be a scam. Is it really possible to do see results after 30 days?? I mean what with the way hair works I kinda doubt it?? I mean 30 days is not long enough to validate a products effectiveness. I'm sure the shampoos make your hair appear thicker etc. But I doubt that they actaully do anything to stop the loss.


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Lol :lol:
I guessed thats why you had removed it
thats is why i toned the question down

no spam intended just wanted to point people in the direction of the product as so little can be found about it

even now no one can seem to tell me if it really will work or not

i read that DHT blocking was the main thing ?

also i have searched high and low for a supplier of DHT shampoo in the UK

one i did find that seemed like it may do the job (that will be imported soon i;m led to believe ) was 'Min DHT Shampoo' anyone heard of it ?

Min have promised to inform me when they start to ship to the UK

anyone know of any other DHT shampoos ?
would they be as good as a tablet ?


Thx Bert i guess 30 days is a little short to really know if it's going to work or not may just send the empty bottles back and see if they will refund me :?


PS and not a single link lol! justhope you can find what the min product is

god after reading my post i do sound a little like a sales man, maybe i'm just trying to justify my outlay £30 is still a lot of money if it does no good !


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You best bet is too find other avenues to fight hairloss and not rely on shampoos. Shampoos help but are in no way a substitue for topicals or internals.


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wish i could but from what i've read
i cant take PROPECIA as my wifes pregnant

any othe ideas ?

now can i take PROPECIA after my childs born ? or as the baby would still be developing had i better not risk it ?



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sjpage said:
wish i could but from what i've read
i cant take PROPECIA as my wifes pregnant

any othe ideas ?

now can i take PROPECIA after my childs born ? or as the baby would still be developing had i better not risk it ?


Of course you can take propecia before or after your child is born. Check out: ... safety.jsp
watch the video on there, says the only warning is women who are of potentially pregnant should not handle broken or crushed pills. So as far as your concerned. If you know the sex of your baby it would only affect a male fetus anyway so if its a female no need to worry anyway. The decision is still up to you though, but remember that merik wouldn't say it if there really was a real potential risk for the fear of law suits against them for birth defects.


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okay since they make no mention on their website of what ingredients are in their product I took it upon myself to look up the patent # they mention on their website.....

The main ingredient.....yup you guessed it "Saw Palmetto" :doh:

There's also stuff like green tea, zinc and B6. Pretty much all the stuff that has been tried time and time again and has never worked.

NEXT :!:


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I heard Nanoguard was good for geting rid of piles - So there you go, this product does have a use. All you have to do is apply shampoo/pile protector to fingers, stick up rectum and twist.

Nanoguard - Guards against piles. Available in a chemist near you :money: :roll:


I saw the original post, it was hilarious!!!!

gimme a S

gimme a P

gimme a A

gimme a M


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Bert said:
sjpage said:
wish i could but from what i've read
i cant take PROPECIA as my wifes pregnant

any othe ideas ?

now can i take PROPECIA after my childs born ? or as the baby would still be developing had i better not risk it ?


Of course you can take propecia before or after your child is born. Check out:
but remember that merik wouldn't say it if there really was a real potential risk for the fear of law suits against them for birth defects.

So you say that if there indeed was a risk, MERCK would NOT say this? I guess this is why they DID issued a warning against fathering children while being on the drug, but eventually removed the warning due to tests showing that finasteride wasn't carried through the semen. So I think you may be just a liiiiiittle off here :x


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:lost: Im a bit confused. I have been looking for anti dht products to reduce the consistent thinning of my hair. Nanoguard seems to pop up in a lot of discussions so i looked on the website and there are... TWO nanoguards.

NanoguardA & NanoguardB. has anyone used the nanoguardb or a? or both? what is the difference? are they worth checking out? the science and the results on their website all seem to point towards me making an investment but if anyone has any thoughts...

thanks, MB


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Do you think anyone knows really what is the MAGIC product, or what the hell they are talking about!?!?!?...if they did, they would not still be here after all these years...or do you think that if minoxidil, or fina, or fluta, or saw, or what the fu... is the name, had such a big ratio of success, people would still hang around...for what...trying to help others?!?! :innocent: ...nobody does that...that's why it makes me laugh, all those guys who are firm belivers of the so called oficial/clinical drugs, beeing so sceptic and always asking proofs of the efficacy of the alternative ones...and what's theire prooves?!??! it!! NOW!
I'm f***--- tired of people asking for prooves or saying that this or thar treatment won't work cause there are no prooves, so i theire one...and i mean, personal experiences..cause i don't give a fu... about the ones presented by the manufaturers, revivogen/nanoguard or merck FDA blessed ones (funny, people don't trust most of the gorvments and specially the present one in the USA, but they ABSOLUTLY trust theire lifes in a organization ((FDA)) that is suported and biased by the same goverment people they don't trust....if that's not stupidity, i don't know what is), they are SELLERS, one of theire investments is to publicy positive results to

Point is...apply the same dosage of scepticism to ALL the diferent products and aproachs..period!


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toivonen said:
Do you think anyone knows really what is the MAGIC product, or what the hell they are talking about!?!?!?...if they did, they would not still be here after all these years...or do you think that if minoxidil, or fina, or fluta, or saw, or what the fu... is the name, had such a big ratio of success, people would still hang around...for what...trying to help others?!?! :innocent: ...nobody does that...that's why it makes me laugh, all those guys who are firm belivers of the so called oficial/clinical drugs, beeing so sceptic and always asking proofs of the efficacy of the alternative ones...and what's theire prooves?!??! it!! NOW!
I'm f***--- tired of people asking for prooves or saying that this or thar treatment won't work cause there are no prooves, so i theire one...and i mean, personal experiences..cause i don't give a fu... about the ones presented by the manufaturers, revivogen/nanoguard or merck FDA blessed ones (funny, people don't trust most of the gorvments and specially the present one in the USA, but they ABSOLUTLY trust theire lifes in a organization ((FDA)) that is suported and biased by the same goverment people they don't trust....if that's not stupidity, i don't know what is), they are SELLERS, one of theire investments is to publicy positive results to

Point is...apply the same dosage of scepticism to ALL the diferent products and aproachs..period!

I understand where you are coming from. But from what I have learnt some products ARE better than others and products DO get improved - in all industry. This is why im trying to get advice for these products.

Perhaps I should simply buy the products and see if they work myself. Nanoguard A and Nanoguard B are on the sopping list. I will try to give an unbiased analysis after i receive them (and i think Nanogen work by same day dispatch so hopefully that won't be too long)



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Of course, some products are better than others, of course there's more substantiated studys for some, than others...what i want to say is regardless of that, and MAINLY to achieve a good "ranking" we should always have a open mindid aproach, specially in a subjec that moves so mumuch money, and that altough with the development of our world, still is is many things, living in the "dark ages".
True, there's many snake oils out there, true also that if the other non snake oils, presented such a clear and visible breakthrough to our comun problem (male pattern baldness), such debates and forums wouldn't be necessary, we would just navigate to the web page of the company or the reseller of the "bullet proof" treatment and buy it!...but they're even take place in the scientific comunity...year, after year!

So yes, buy them...experience yourself, see the data, see your personal results...and than, make a decision!! I'll guarantee you one thing, even in the minoxidil/finasteride comunity, you'll not find someone (unless photoshop or people getting payed by those manufacturers) who improoved from a Norwood 7 to a Norwood 1...oh, did i said 7?!?...not even a 3 or 4!!! :jackit:

So good luck, and hope it works well for you, regardless of actives or companys! :)