Natural cure to hair loss.

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Ive been trying hair loss treatments for four years, and for some reason it has only just hit me how to cure my hair loss.

About 3 years ago i had to give up marijuana because i was threatened with a piss test. I quit for 6 months and Looking back on some self videos i used to post on youtube as a musician, I always noticed my hair was amazingly firm and upright at the end of that period. Of course i went back on the weed once the threat of a piss test had gone.

Blindly, it has only dawned on me now, the reason why my hair was so healthy. I never made the link for some reason.

BTW, I am primarily talking about diffuse thinning. Now i am no scientist, but i am a good observer, and i know my body.

It is all about maintaining healthy hormonal balances within your body. Well...Duh....i hear you say.

With us Diffuse thinners there is a lot of talk of Testosterone being just as bad as the DHT.

Before this 6 month period i was on minoxidil for a year with limited results. Ive been on propecia for the last 9 months but it has actually made things worse because the real culprit was actually raised testosterone levels. And propecia exacerbated the problem.

Now marijuana effects the way dopamine is created in the body. I dont know the ins an outs but other hormonal balances shift if one particular hormone level is raised or depleted.

My addiction is actually a dual addiction. I use marijuana to masturbate to. For the last four years i have masturbated on weed almost every night, often for 3 hours a time and often even longer. We know that ejaculating causes hormonal shifts that otherwhise wouldnt occur.

For the last month or so i have really worked hard to masturbate only once a week only on a satarday night. I do still smoke weed during this session but its deffo an improvement to every night.

Guess hair which had been destroyed is improving on a daily basis. I assume my follicles have been given breathing space to repair, because they are not being bombarded by spiked T levels or whatever other hormoal shift that was causing my hair loss.

And the cure. Well if you are a diffuse thinner, think about the frequency of your ejaculations. Do you smoke weed. Are you stressed. Anything that can cause unnatural hormonal balance can cause hair loss.

Im still on 0.5mg finasteride just in case, and you can use that to help with the DHT effects. But the diffuse pattern is due to other factors, mainly being T.

Reduce ejaculating to once a week (This is healthy at least to help recylcle certain minerals such as zinc)
Stop smoking weed or at least reduce the amount.
Reduce your stress levels by doing aerobic exercises which will also burn off free Testosterone.

What do you guys think? Can anyone support my observations.


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I have never done any recreational drugs, I don't smoke and I only drink socially. I also eat right and exercise everyday. I'm a norwood 3 at age 24.
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sorry dude, im mainly talking about diffuse thinning as i believe it is an alltogether different form of hairloss.

How often do you ejaculate? lol


Established Member
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I have always believed that rapid diffused thinning in young men is a different type of hairloss then the more common temple recession and bald spot in older men.
Maybe one is caused by excess T and the other by excess DHT?