natural cures?


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Is there anyone one these forums who has been able to reverse their hairloss simply by greatly changing their lifestyle for the better?

By lifestyle change I mean starting to exercise heavily, starting to eat completely right (no junk food, soda, bad carbs), taking vitamins or doing other things which they felt may be negatively impacting their hair loss?

I need some hope that drugs or a transplant aren't the only answer. If I could find people who have been successful naturally I would honestly put all my efforts into changing my lifestyle as well. However, whenever I try to do so after a couple of weeks I keep thinking what if everything I'm doing is for naught. Then slowly I just give up and lose hope on ever reversing my diffuse hair loss.

So is there anyone here who felt a lifestyle change helped them halt or even reverse their hairloss?


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I seem to have success...
The temples seem to regrow, but I am not completely sure.
I have been on a healthy diet since March now: healthy food, no 'bad' carbs, very few sweets,...
On the other hand I take some good meds, I think: spironolactone, Revivogen, Flutagel.

If I really can tell that I have had success I will inform you :)

uncomfortable man

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Lifestyle as a reason for hairloss is a myth. Only serious scientific intervention will eventually reverse hairloss altogether. male pattern baldness is genetic and therefore no one's fault and to suggest otherwise would be unfair.


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meds and artificial compounds are created exactly because in many areas there is no natural wonder doing the job. for example, there is nothing near as effective inhibiting dht-only as finasteride or dutasteride. Also, why do people think all natural stuff is good and wont give any side effects?

it is good to have an healthy lifestyle - sleeping well, eating well, doing some sports and not getting to much stress - it will contribute to your well-being in life and it will make you feel better about yourself, but it is not going to reverse or stop your hairloss if you are genetically set to loose your hair.


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If you count hair transplants as a natural cure, then yes, there are natural cures

uncomfortable man

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barcafan said:
unfortunately society doesn't see it that way, and never will.
Well someone ought to enlighten them.


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First things first...
Anyone who thinks that the only methods that work are those which are FDA approved should not only do a little more research, but also experiment and stay open-minded. Minoxidil was originally prescribed for blood pressure regulation, then..."oh look Dr., it seems to help with hair regrowth too! Let's give it a catchy new name and market it as such, we'll make a fortune and take over the world"

I have been balding at the crown for about 8 years now, and more recently the temples have recessed.
I started doing research on the subject about a year ago and can honestly say I've visited and read just about every site, article, weblog, scam advertising and anything in between regarding hairloss.
I'm not a doctor nor an expert by now, but I have learned a few things about all this crap: IT IS REVERSIBLE, period.
Yes, genetics play a big role and some of us are dealt with that bad hand of cards, it sucks, all the men on my mother's side of the family have the ol' bald crown, but I was determined to fight it, or at least go to battle with an open mind. Also, IT TAKES TIME. Those 3 P's so often mentioned here, yeah, I read, it's a nice idea, but for myself, I narrowed it down to one P. PATIENCE.

I can't stand meds, especially those kind, but hey that's just me, because truthfully, through all the success stories posted here or anywhere, not one of them really seems to work "that well". Yes, there are those occasional posts where the pics prove that something is happening, but it's nothing to shout home about, imo. Not one single person has claimed "look, holy S#!t, 3 months on Rogaine and/or Propecia-finasteride-whatever and I look like I did at 21! OMG!"..........not one, not after 3 months, not after 6, not even after a year. They may stop losing hair, or a lot less of it, but I have yet to read and see the success story of a NW5 who got the locks back up there. Those products do help, do a degree, but by all means don't go thinking it's all there is, which bring me to my point, finally.

The most important thing indeed is....your diet and lifestyle. There I said it.
I have changed my diet, not drastically, but enough to not only feel the difference, but see it with my own eyes.
I started exercising, nothing like going to gym, nah, hate those places, but simple stretches as soon as I get up, pushups here and there, a bit of meditation. Excellent stuff you can feel the effects of right away.

FOOD: F*** it, I've gone as organic as possible, cut out the sugar, snacks, crap food altogether.
I'm eating more fish, more seaweed, more salads, fruit, avocado for lunch instead of a f***ing burger, etc.
I'm keeping it vague here, cause the good stuff is below.

Just like those stupid meds, certainly, everything will work differently for everyone.
Did I mention I was a NW4 a few months ago? Well, I was, and now my crown is filling in, something I thought was impossible not so long ago, but I stuck it out and believed that I could win this fight. Now, trial and error is key, just like anything in life, you try things, some stick, some don't, you learn and move on. Vitamins, minerals, herbs and oils, sure, there's tons of info out there on a lot of that stuff that claims to be great for hair regrowth. Well, they're not stupid, cause some of it does in fact work, at least for me. It took some time to see it, but I'm wring this post tonight because as hair has it's own growth cycles, you may notice a very marginal difference (if any) for a certain period of time, and then bam....all of sudden, you grab the mirror, look at that crown and think "oh my, what the...? it's filling in!" and you smile your heart out. This feeling of elation happened a few days ago, and I went 3 days without looking at all, then again tonight, and lo and behold, it is indeed filling in. I recently got a buzz cut after years of always wearing a hat, I didn't care anymore, it felt liberating and free, and I can see the progress with more clarity as a result.

Ok, so now the good stuff.
It all started with (if you haven't checked out this site, YOU MUST!), a wealth of useful info on natural remedies, with cures for just about any ailment imaginable, all found at your local health food store. What you put into your body has a much greater effect than any disgusting pill or medication out there.

So there it was, Apple Cider Vinegar. I discovered the site when I was riddled with chronic fatigue a little over a year ago. I couldn't help taking naps, almost every day, so I googled and found the site, and was reading all I can until the wee hours of the morning, I was addicted to finding out more about how and why natural remedies do in fact work. Then, I notice there is in fact a hair loss section, so I read and read, and read some more, and took notes. From those notes I googled some more, tried to gather as much knowledge as I could about it and after a few weeks had an arsenal of things to try out, but I was open minded and reminded myself that some of these may not do anything, but it was worth a shot.

I will skip what was dismissed and just tell you where I'm at now and what I feel has made the biggest difference, but before I better, it all starts with your diet before anything else, and stay positive, it's amazing what your mind can do, even to grow your hair back, believe me.

Every morning:
-exercise for 15 minutes (I don't go nuts with this stuff, I think too many people do, I find 15 minutes is plenty)
-Apple cider Vinegar, 2 tbspns in an 8oz glass, then pour some Aloe Vera Juice (Lily of the Desert), til half-way, then top it off with some organic green juice. I chug it. Tasted weird at first but I'm so used to it by now I actually look forward to it.

-shower: I've cut out shampoo, it's satan in a bottle if you're in this to win this. I've opted for a pure no-frills olive oil soap, it works great. However, 3 times a week, I use that Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap, the peppermint one, and OMG! This stuff feels so good on your scalp, it's meant to be used everywhere, your body, your head, your's completely natural, there is absolutely nothing artificial or chemical in there, your scalp loves this stuff. I saw the documentary on Dr. Bronner and how he started this soap company, and I was sold.

-After the shower, while the follicles are still begging for nutrition, a few drops of Gingko and Cayenne tinctures/oils.
massage into the scalp, then follow with a few drops of Emu Oil. This was a recent addition, about 2 months now, it's one of the best kept secrets and I think it was the one ingredient that tipped the scale, because it penetrates into the skin better than anything else out there, and when combining with the other goods, you're really reviving those blood vessels, you can actually feel it! Massage again, for about 5 minutes. MASSAGING YOUR SCALP IS PERHAPS THE BEST THING YOU CAN DO as a starting point, with or without topicals. I firmly believe that all of this has to do with the blood vessels, they need to be revived, or nothing, I mean nothing will work, so massage away, no need to go nuts with that either, rub the oils in, and massage for 5 minutes.

-Evening, before bed, a few drops of Virgin Organic Coconut Oil. Not much, just a little, enough to feel like you've covered the entire scalp. And of course, massage that in as well, another 5 minutes. Occasionally, I'll add a bit of pre Aloe Vera Gel (Lily of the Desert brand, same as the juice).

-Vitamins: Not only do I eat better, but also take the following.
-New Chapter "One Man's Daily" multi-vitamin. They are the best brand imo.
- " " " Saw Palmetto tablets, 2 a day.
- " " " Turmeric tablet, one a day, incredible antioxidant, considered the most healing herb on the planet.

And that's about it, but I should mention that a few days ago, I added MSM to all of this, apparently it help with faster regrowth, so we'll see!

I don't have a digital camera, believe me I wish I did! I'll see about getting a cheap one very soon, but let me tell you, and tell those who have been dissing the all-natural route, NATURAL IS THE WAY TO GO!!!!! AND IT CAN WORK!!!! F*** the FDA, don't you know by now, if they can't make money or patent any natural remedy, they don't want you to know about it, it's that simple.




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had to bump this thread because i'm in such amazement at the massive amount of bullshit posted above.

unfortunately, at one point i too was convinced of the "merit" behind natural cures. i wasted alot of time and money on vitamins, dietary changes, etc, because i was overly critical and afraid of the real stuff. but its all unproven nonsense that causes people to lose time and be distracted from those treatments which really do work.

minoxidil = works. proven. no other treatment out there is as reliable for hair regrowth.

dont waste time on massaging organic elephant dung into your scalp thinking the nutrients are feeding into your follicles. lol. get on the big 3 and wait for the results which countless other have experienced.


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menace said:
had to bump this thread because i'm in such amazement at the massive amount of bullshit posted above.

unfortunately, at one point i too was convinced of the "merit" behind natural cures. i wasted alot of time and money on vitamins, dietary changes, etc, because i was overly critical and afraid of the real stuff. but its all unproven nonsense that causes people to lose time and be distracted from those treatments which really do work.

minoxidil = works. proven. no other treatment out there is as reliable for hair regrowth.

dont waste time on massaging organic elephant dung into your scalp thinking the nutrients are feeding into your follicles. lol. get on the big 3 and wait for the results which countless other have experienced.

To each his own, natural is working great for me, there's nothing to argue, debate, much less discuss anymore.
Didn't work for you, sorry, but I'm not wasting thousands of dollars with a band-aid drug treatment to apply for the rest of my life just to have a few fine baby hairs in lieu of a bald patch. minoxidil was an accidental discovery when it comes to hair, so with that said, with all the ingredients out there, natural or not, who's to say something else non FDA approved isn't going to work. I rest my case.


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penguin74, do you actually drink the apple cinder vinegar in diluted form or apply on scalp?

I been receiving scores of postive feedbacks on apple cinder vinegar in my support group too!

I also suggest others may try scalp massage.......even if one is not to believe scalp massage can work to cure hair loss, it will certainly refresh you!


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Tom28 said:
penguin74, do you actually drink the apple cinder vinegar in diluted form or apply on scalp?

I been receiving scores of postive feedbacks on apple cinder vinegar in my support group too!

I also suggest others may try scalp massage.......even if one is not to believe scalp massage can work to cure hair loss, it will certainly refresh you!

I drink it every morning diluted in juice, because it's simply good for you and I had other reasons to get onto a healthier habits.
What it does for hair I discovered later, so a double whammy for ACV, yes, applying a bit of it on the scalp does wonders, it only takes a little, but admittedly, I don't do it every day. I do however apply emu oil every morning after the shower, with the cayenne, and massage for 5 minutes. Without the scalp massage, nothing works, you need to stimulate those follicles and get the blood on the elevator up.


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penguinman thanks for your info...i basically started this thread because i felt i am suffering from a more female type of hair loss. Not much hairline recession but a lot of overall thinning especially in the front middle. I also have a problem with dandruff. Usually it is back after just a day of using nizoral. this lead me to believe that maybe there is something else wrong with my hair.

i will try taking msm, vit.c and grapeseed extract...i agree with patience but if we had enough proof that natural cures worked patience wouldn't be a problem. what probably frustrates people who are using a natural regimen is that they don't even know if it will work at all. at least with the big 3 people know what they are getting themselves into.

i just want to halt the thinning and reverse it. i feel as if that is still possible because the hair i am losing is still very fine meaning that the shaft still produces something at least. now if only i could find a way to pump up the follicle and make it work for me.

what else do you suggest for natural cures? penguinman can you confirm that your hair is still growing back...i know the mind's eye can be very deceptive.


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collegefreak87 said:
what probably frustrates people who are using a natural regimen is that they don't even know if it will work at all. at least with the big 3 people know what they are getting themselves into.

Or do they? I see your point and it's valid, but there are never any guarantees, the big 3 (or 2) are indeed FDA approved, and once you read about the possible side-effects and decide to move forward with them, I suppose yes, one could say they know what they're getting themselves into. However, will the treatment work as hoped for and will the hair grow back? Hmm....that is debatable. It has worked for some from what I can see, but really only a handful and a full recovery is unfortunately unlikely. Once more I'd like to mention that I'm not here to bash the Pro-Gaine family, I just decided - for myself - to try a different route.

what else do you suggest for natural cures? penguinman can you confirm that your hair is still growing back...i know the mind's eye can be very deceptive.

That is very true, as despite everything I wrote in my previous comments, under different lighting and on some random days under a different mirror and environment, I admittedly get a little bummed out, as all of a sudden I'm seeing more scalp that what my eyes got used to seeing at home. That said, upon looking closely with a small hand-held mirror, just like you mentioned above, I can see hairs growing back pretty much all over the bald spot on the crown, but it's thin and needs a boost to hopefully get it into a terminal phase. I still stand firm that the bald patch has narrowed quite a bit, and that what I've been using has helped tremendously, especially the daily scalp massages (which are essential for anything to work, even with the big 3)., but now, for me, it's just a patience game, understanding the growth cycles of hair and just remaining hopeful.
I will say this though, I have not experienced any shedding or any more hair falling out whatsoever, not in a long time, so it's a good start to say the least.

As for what else works? You know, I think it's a case by case process. What works for one may be different than what works for the other, as we can read about with the big 3 related threads. Same goes with natural. Google searches helped me try a few different things, and some I'm still with while others I've dismissed entirely (saw palmetto is off my regimen now as Emu oil is a very potent DHT blocker). I think between ACV, Aloe Vera, Cayenne tincture (I just put a few drops on the scalp after showering), scalp massage and patience, you should have enough to get started.

On a final note, I am not opposed to adding a bit of Rogaine to speed things up, I mentioned this in another thread somewhere. I don't know if it will help? As I understand it, Propecia and it's ilk really help in reducing/stopping the hair loss but not so much with regrowth, while minoxidil does actually boost the hair to grow back?


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Pro-gain lol, first time i've heard that... the big 3 has worked well for me for 6 years now, and more than than a handful have benefited from it, that comment seriously underplays the success of the big 3 in terms of hairloss.

That aside Penguin, i really liked your post on page one. Spent ages reading that site you posted and i am purchasing some ACV tomorrow, seems like a bit of a wonder drug, plus it may help my psoriasis, maybe depression too...

Surly using a regimen like yours in conjunction with propecia would get best of both worlds, but i understand many guys who go the more natural way don't want to touch propecia and i respect that. I've recently started taking cod liver oil and have become much more aware of the food, or should i say processed sh*t that passes for food in the West.


Petchsky :)


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Go buy Kevin Trudos great book called natural cures. That will explain to you how much of a difference just changing your lifestyle can help your hair.

I dont mean to insult people that try changing their life styles but doing it for your hair is pretty stupid. Very few men would be balding if all it took was some will power to live a healthy life style and many balding men already do. Its just stupid to think most of this does anything. Even some of the legitimate treatments are a bit short in the regrowth department.