Natural Dht Inhibitors And Prp Treatment / Progress


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This is my first time posting on here. First, I'll give a little background on me. I've always had very thick hair with nice texture. I never once concerned myself with hair loss because I thought it would likely happen much later in life (late 30s/early 40s) and it wouldn't be much of an issue. My father has stable hair and hairline, although he is a norwood 3. None of his brothers or father progressed passed norwood 3, and most are norwood 2. My grandfather on my mom's side has only slowly receded, but still has a solid head of hair for being 75! He has no balding at the vertex whatsoever, and he only has been recently graying in the past 5-6 years. Also, both of my grandfather's brothers still have much of their hair. However, my mom's brothers both have finer hair, and are stable at norwood 3 (they are late 40s and early 50s). There's no history of balding at the crown on either side of my family going back as far as my grandparents. Given that no one in my family experienced hair loss until they were about 30, I was not worried about it. Most of my older male cousins have not experienced much hair loss, and my older brother (by 2 years) has a perfect hairline.

This past January I began to notice what I thought was hair loss on one side of my head (left side, which is where I part my hair). I showed my close family members, and they all said I was crazy. So, I forgot about it until February when I got a haircut. Afterward, the thinning at the part seemed very noticeable, and it looked as though I even had some recession. I have a small freckle to pin point where my hairline used to be, and I no longer had hair there! Again, my family said that I didn't know what I was talking about. I left it alone until the end of March, when I began looking at older pictures from a year ago, and noticed that my hair had thinned (overall) and my left side showed signs of receding hairline! I began to panic inside, and immediately went to get a haircut to get a better idea of where I was at. I went to the dermatologist, and they told me NOT to take finasteride because of the side effects. They took pictures, and told me to come back in 6 months to see how it's progressed. So, in desperation I began to research natural DHT inhibitors to start immediately, and I even had PRP treatment done.

Anyway, the point of this post is to share some of my results with you guys on the natural DHT inhibitors I'm on, and the PRP treatment. Here's what I'm currently doing:
- Nutrafol (contains Saw Palmetto)
- Pygeum Bark Extract
- Beta-sitosterol from Nettle Root Extract
- Pumpkin Seed Oil
- Green Tea (minimum 3 cups daily)
- Collagen Type 1-5
- Zinc (ZMO)
- PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) -- one treatment, second one this coming Monday
- Pura d'or Gold Line Shampoo (every other day)

I plan to continue this for the next 6 months until my follow up with my dermatologist, at which I will decide whether to go onto finasteride or not. Of course, I have hopes that these natural supplements will do something, but I have not found any success on any forum so far. That's partly why I want to document and share my experience with you guys! I've already completed one full month of Nutrafol (with zero improvements lol), and only in the last week have I introduced the other supplements. I'm still researching the following supplements, and may add them to my daily regimen.

- Reishi Mushrooms
- Giant Dodder
- Ecklonia Cava Extract
- Topical Rosemary EO
- L-Lysine (I believe this is in Nutrafol, so just check dosage)
- Licorice

Please feel free to make any suggestions! Also, money is not an issue for me (to an extent, of course).

Before I began this, I did have extensive blood work done. I was low in iron, zinc, and iodine, and was recommended by my Dr to take supplements for each of those. I have a healthy diet, and I am generally fit. And, my testosterone level was 304 ng/dL, which I believe is low for someone in their 20s.


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Have you tried apple cyder vinegar to improve scalp condition, I’m currently using this scalp elixir that contains: peppermint oil, rosemary oil, grape seed extract, taurine, reishi mushroom and a few other ingredients, using it for 2 weeks unsure if there is any progress due to time period. Have you considered dermarolling


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Have you tried apple cyder vinegar to improve scalp condition, I’m currently using this scalp elixir that contains: peppermint oil, rosemary oil, grape seed extract, taurine, reishi mushroom and a few other ingredients, using it for 2 weeks unsure if there is any progress due to time period. Have you considered dermarolling

No, I haven’t tried that yet. Currently shampooing with Nizoral twice a week, and every other day with Pura d’or. Otherwise, only taking oral supplements.

I have added Reishi Mushrooms and Vitex Berry extract to my list of supplements. Also, 320mg of Saw Palmetto in addition to what’s in Nutrafol.

I am now planning to add dermarolling after I complete some research on best method. I want to be careful and informed before I jump in and do this.

I have seen absolutely zero difference since I’ve started this. However, after PRP treatments (I’ve had two, going for third tomorrow) my scalp feels best — it takes about 2-3 days after swelling goes down. Of course, this could just be psychological.

I have scheduled an appointment with a different dermatologist this week, and hoping to get a second opinion. I’m losing ground each day, and I’m concerned! Depending on his advice, I may start finasteride! I hope that is the case, as I’m willing to risk the potential sides. Also, I am debating on adding setipiprant as well to solved potential inflammation issues.

Sorry I don’t have anything positive to update! I do have a handful of small vellus hairs that seem to be getting Color... guessing this could be from PRP. Although, 5 vellus hairs that have color after two months of PRP and much of the oral supplements doesn’t seem very positive to me. Also, these could have previously been terminal hairs that are just further miniaturized...


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Quick update. Still not on finasteride, and continuing with my supplements. I've now had three PRP treatments all spaced 4-5 weeks apart. It has been a little longer than 2.5 months, and I haven't seen any improvement from the supplements or PRP. I had my DHT levels checked, and my serum DHT was low... possibly because of all the supplements I'm taking. However, I don't think they're making any impact on my hair. Next week Monday I will begin taking finasteride to battle my hair loss. I am planning to keep some of the supplements in my regimen as they do help existing/healthy hair to grow somewhat faster... doesn't hurt, right?


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"And, my testosterone level was 304 ng/dL, which I believe is low for someone in their 20s..."

That seems very low. Your physician wasn't concerned?


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"And, my testosterone level was 304 ng/dL, which I believe is low for someone in their 20s..."

That seems very low. Your physician wasn't concerned?

Yes, he was concerned. That's why I was taking zinc. He also prescribed a cream that I'm supposed to rub on my inner thigh each night. My levels this month rose to 508 ng/dL! My DHT levels were 29 ng/dL, and the range is supposed to be 30-85 ng/dL.


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Yes, he was concerned. That's why I was taking zinc. He also prescribed a cream that I'm supposed to rub on my inner thigh each night. My levels this month rose to 508 ng/dL! My DHT levels were 29 ng/dL, and the range is supposed to be 30-85 ng/dL.

It appears that you're using a testosterone cream. You should be very concerned if that is actually the case.


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It appears that you're using a testosterone cream. You should be very concerned if that is actually the case.

If my levels were so low, why should I be concerned? Also, my DHT is still low too. Honestly, I am confused as to how my testosterone and DHT were low, yet I am still experiencing hair loss. I had my DHT and testosterone levels checked June 11th. Also, my estradiol levels were not high... they were right in the middle of the range.


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Yes, he was concerned. That's why I was taking zinc. He also prescribed a cream that I'm supposed to rub on my inner thigh each night. My levels this month rose to 508 ng/dL! My DHT levels were 29 ng/dL, and the range is supposed to be 30-85 ng/dL.

Good. We need optimal testosterone for many other functions in the male body. Not just to produce hair destroying dht. Estradiol levels can rise too, which is normal. Free testosterone is the key.


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@IncognitoMan - "...Honestly, I am confused as to how my testosterone and DHT were low, yet I am still experiencing hair loss. "

That is a good question given you are so young. Maybe an endocrinologist would delve into the root cause of it rather than just treat the symptoms of low T.


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If my levels were so low, why should I be concerned? Also, my DHT is still low too. Honestly, I am confused as to how my testosterone and DHT were low, yet I am still experiencing hair loss. I had my DHT and testosterone levels checked June 11th. Also, my estradiol levels were not high... they were right in the middle of the range.

The reason why Finasteride and Duasteride work is not because they lower higher than average DHT but because they lower DHT and 5AR activity in the hair follicle which is the issue NOT because you have high serum DHT.


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For those who may be wondering. I started finasteride as these natural options had no impact on hair loss. Granted I didn’t give it a lot of time. Thankfully I don’t experience any side effects from finasteride.


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If my levels were so low, why should I be concerned? Also, my DHT is still low too. Honestly, I am confused as to how my testosterone and DHT were low, yet I am still experiencing hair loss. I had my DHT and testosterone levels checked June 11th. Also, my estradiol levels were not high... they were right in the middle of the range.

because you do want your endogen production to work again, in order not to depend on exogen testo, which can, in extreme cases, leads to endogen shutdown.
Btw, there are several main factors in hair loss, altough DHT follicles sensitivity appears to be the most common, maybe its just not your case.
I would look into:
lacks of mineral (zinc, magnesium, copper...) and vitamin D (and b6)
Thyroid problem
insulin resistance

hope it helps

Stating facts

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Considering all the other benefits of Ecklonia cava being compared with finasteride, and of course the potential benefits and proving results of dutasteride - what are your opinions on using dutasteride once or twice a week and Ecklonia cava on the other days? I am just assuming that the sides may be minimal and ecklonia cava can also do its positive effects. (Maybe once duta is in the system, this might be helpful so as to have minimal hormonal imbalance)


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You ever consider a green tea topical? Cook saw palmetto and green tea in some water and keep it in a spray bottle and spray scalp with it

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Seems like a good option, and I am open to give it a go. But have you tried ecklonia cava? I tried it on its own and it did benefited in terms of body wellness, I am not that sure with the hair health. The thing is that before I have taken duta (generic) stopped it, and had some hair loss since. Now I am on avodart, but because of sides, I am considering lower dosage.