Natural Shedding


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Here's what I don't understand....I read that we're supposed to shed hair daily (explains why guys and girls have hair in their combs/brushes). And I read that its natural to shed like 50 hairs a day. I shed (that I can "prove") like 10 hairs a day (with white bulb) and I go to a dermatologist and find out that I'm in the "very early stages of thinning".

For that info right there, it really doesn't make sense...I'd have to be shedding with every step I take for it to add up to over 50! Yet I really can't, ever, find 50. I find 10 in one day (not even) and I worry my mind off!!!

Somebody please help with this... I really don't understand the rationale here at all.


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Simple , When you have male pattern baldness your have stays in the telogen stage for much longer , i.e the hairs become dormant and stop growing because the are being choked by the DHT in your system. This means that when you shed your normal amount of hair each day it doesn't grow back for a lot longer , it will miniaturize and will eventually stop growing back. Contrast to a guys healthy head of hair who doesn't have male pattern baldness. His hair can fall out 100 times over a day , but because his hair is hair isn't being choked by DHT it grows back.

Basically on a thinning head the shed hairs don't grow back , on a normal head they do.


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The thing is, you could lose 10 a day and be balding, and someone losing 200 a day could not be.

It's to do with what rate the hair grows back at and at what thickness that matters.