Natural Supplement - increased shedding


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I've been taking a natural supplement that contains are bunch of things that supposedly help reduce DHT. Some of it includes saw palmetto, beta-sis, biotin, other b vitamins, copper, taurine, gingko biloba, plus a few others. I was shedding before I started taking it. I've been taking it for 2 weeks now and my shedding has increased. Should I continue or drop it?


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shedding is usually a sign of regrowth, however its really not in your best interest to take beta sitosterol though. Someone from another forum posted this before:
Higher blood levels of sitosterol may be associated with increased risk for coronary events

ORLANDO, Fla., Nov. 10, 2003 – Results from a nested, case-control study showed that patients with both high coronary risk and higher blood levels of sitosterol (1) (a plant sterol) were at an increased risk of a major coronary event compared to similar patients with lower blood levels of the plant sterol. These results were presented today at the 2003 American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions. Very high levels of plant sterols in the blood (levels ranging from 200 to 1570 µmol/L [2,3]) have been previously confirmed as a risk factor for coronary heart disease.(4)
In this study, 177 cases (patients who suffered myocardial infarction [MI] or sudden coronary death within 10 years of follow-up) were selected from the PROCAM (Prospective Cardiovascular Muenster) study population. Each case was matched to two controls (n=354) from PROCAM based on age, gender, smoking status and date of investigation. Phytosterol concentrations, including sitosterol, were measured in samples collected at baseline in order to determine an association between phytosterol blood levels and increased risk for future coronary events.

Results from the study, which was funded in part by Merck/Schering-Plough

Pharmaceuticals, showed that levels of sitosterol were higher in patients who suffered coronary events compared to the matched controls (5.03 ± 3.44 µmol/L vs. 4.31 ± 2.38 µmol/L, p=0.003).

In addition, results from this preliminary study showed that study patients with modestly elevated (5) levels of sitosterol (>5.25µmol/L) and high LDL cholesterol (LDL-C) (=4.14 mmol/L) were at nearly double the risk of a major coronary event compared to those with high LDL-C and sitosterol in the lower ranges (=5.25µmol/L; p=0.025). Men considered at high risk for coronary events (>20 percent in 10 years as calculated using the PROCAM algorithm), who also had modestly elevated levels of sitosterol were at an estimated three-fold increased risk compared to those with sitosterol in the lower ranges (p=0.032).

"The results seen in these patients would suggest that sitosterol absorbed from the intestine may lead to modest elevations of sitosterol in the blood, which in turn may be associated with an increased risk for coronary events. However, nested case-control studies are preliminary by nature and results from studies of this kind should be viewed very cautiously," said Gerd Assmann, M.D., professor, University of Muenster, Germany. "Further studies will certainly be needed to determine if sitosterol might play a role as a marker for increased risk of heart disease."

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I noticed some severe chest pain while I was taking it, and that was before I found this study

The Natural

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I've been taking a natural supplement that contains are bunch of things that supposedly help reduce DHT. Some of it includes saw palmetto, beta-sis, biotin, other b vitamins, copper, taurine, gingko biloba, plus a few others. I was shedding before I started taking it. I've been taking it for 2 weeks now and my shedding has increased. Should I continue or drop it?

Drop it.