Natural Treatments That Work Needed


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I have noticed a slight recession in my hairline and I need to know some natural treatments that actually work to at least maintain it. I don't want to use all of these drugs and stuff that make my pee pee small endless I have to. Any suggestions?


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You cannot fight nature with nature unfortunately.. who told you drugs would make your penis small btw? Lol


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To be fair there are a couple of natural alternatives that do infact reduce DHT, but very few anecdotal reports exist of them being effective. The first and most popular is Saw Palmetto, which is a naturally growing herb that has DHT blocking properties. The second is Fenugreek which works the same way, but I'm not sure which of the two is more effective. Realistically though @Alphalete is right and for the vast majority of people these two natural remedies will not be enough to stop your hair loss. If you are serious about treating it then there's no way around taking the drugs.. Two of them are FDA approved and seem to work well for many people. You can buy minoxidil over the counter which helps stimulate growth but doesn't address the 'main' cause. finasteride is the second and should always be your first line of attack when choosing a treatment. It does require a prescription but you can buy it online from reputable pharmacies without one. Don't waste your time with snake oils, use the scientifically proven treatments!