Natural Ways To Help With Hair Loss


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I tried some natural ways that help me because hair loss can be so depressing. I stayed consistent and got results. The book i used is called "Hair Loss Solutions". You can get it free too. Hope it helps guys.


Established Member
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I tried some natural ways that help me because hair loss can be so depressing. I stayed consistent and got results. The book i used is called "Hair Loss Solutions". You can get it free too. Hope it helps guys.
My friend - most people here have tried dozens of different 'natural' methods to help their hair - be it grain/pufa/dairy free diets, sunlight, herbal dht blockers and anti inflammatories, exercise, scalp massages etc.

If this sort of thing worked then everyone would opt for the low risk route rather than pumping themselves full of potentially castrating drugs.

If you outlined a protocol you followed with progress pictures then we would appreciate the contribution - however this just reads like a commercial for your snake oil book.