Naturel growth cycle shedding question;


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Hey guys whats up!

I made a post the other week about my worry with what i thought was hair loss... Ive got a full head of healthy hair it use to be really thick but feels a little thinner recently last 4-6 weeks..

Anyways just wondering I belive im going through a naturel shedding phase..the other week my temples look like they had jolted back a little bit about 3-5 ml, today i was looking at my hairline and around my hairline infront of it not by much but just enough to see there is alot of thick brown hairs growing matched by alot more blonde ones next to it.

Ive been so wrapped up thinking I was going to be a NW7 before the years out ive just been wanting to shave my hair off.

When you do naturelly shed is it that extreme that you notice hair thinning and slight recession but it grows back pretty close to what it use to be? because the way i see with the new growth of the brown hairs it'll put my hairline back into place..

P.s I presume i was shedding because when id dry my hair over the sink id notice around 7-10 hairs when drying my hair quite hard this happened for 3-4 weeks... but now when i dry my hair i see no more than 2 hairs the ones that i do find are thin at the end thick at the bottom.


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here is a pic that was recently taken like 1-2 weeks ago both pretty new.

You might not be able to tell from pics but i have a naturelly high hairline but im seriously obsessive that im receeding and thinning, actually cant stop messing with my hair! would you guys say i have a full head of healthy? I straighten my hair on the rare occasion and the last time was two days ago but my hair still feels slightly thin? is this usual


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No.. im sure the pictures make me look like trying to troll but im not just asking a question.


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Im not trolling, the name of this website is "hairlosstalk" I was asking a question about hairloss, Its annoying the way because I dont have a NW7 its like im not balding or wont ever bald.. so can someone asnwer my question about shedding?


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Wow, I'd like to apologize for the TERRIBLE support you've received in this forum.

To be honest, I think 10 hairs when blow drying your hair is no big deal, considering what you have. If you really think your hairline is receding, you should consider taking medication for it, but there are unwanted side effects to think about. Why don't you track its progress, and make an assessment in a year?