It's been nearly one year since My hairloss started. I haven't been to a doctor or dermatologist yet. I have been searching about treatments and used a lot of time on the internet. Asking questions in forums and reading studies and so on. I have seen inaccurrate information about treatments a few times. an example is the succes rate of Minoxidil. nearly every site says 38-40 percent and saw one place saying 60 percent. I've seen something similar with finasteride. Should i get the information from a dermatologist or doctor?. Is it Possible that there is treatments i haven't heard of yet?. Is it okay to use the internet for this kind of stuff for so long. I don't think that there is something i haven't heard about. Because I have been using most of My time reading and searching for 4 months.
When using a site like this one, you need to be wary of what are known as self-selection errors. This means, one assumes, that anyone who does in fact recover from Telogen Effluvium never comes back to tell us since that was just a passing concern. Some of that can be true in terms of people like me using HRT where people figure success is guaranteed but I make no such claims because I read my mail, all of it, from other MtF's and results even for us, are highly variable and maybe not even age dependent since I saw regrowth for the first time in my mid-50's but not until recently in terms of little hairs coming up like from blond grass seed.
Oral minoxidil might work for most people, at least some 80% say, and my bet for topical is that it mostly provides maintenance but only a little regrowth of 40% or so, so that's what people usually say, forty to sixty percent have results from topicals. I never saw any results ever from finasteride/duta or topical min in 35 years, only maintenance. Maintenance is the male cure and yet so many guys refuse to just accept it. It's not the sexual sides in my opinion. Males feel guilty for using it because of being shamed by other guys. Real men don't care about hair loss or looks really in my marine corp officer-led family and my father had perfect hair all lined up in his crew cut and all. Wait until you are in college to grow it long, he said, which he never did in college sigh.
So I have been on finasteride since '98 and finasteride and Duta since 2015 and no sides ever. Many trannies only get sides like this, like I got from spironolactone but like in Terminator, "come with me if you want to save your hair". You can PM me and nobody else has tried the different permutations that I have tried how I have tried them because I only use meds, methods and treatments that actually work. I never use things that are purportedly good for hair. I have Biotin in my Nature-made Multi for her and that's plenty. There's nothing shown to be good for hair ever because hair, while needing nutrients, doesn't work like shade grown grass in the front yard. Nothing affects hair not even stress unless we are starving and I know Telogen Effluvium down to some spare scraps so I have had pretty much all of the disaster available out there as well and for some things like transplants, I might be overly negative about but only microneedling can save bad transplants so I have reason to do it for that reason until all scars, fringe and on top are gone. Some of my grafts and stitches itch after 32 years, Goddess-damit so this isn't without cause in terms of warning that transplants are not something I generally recommend. They are too risky and riskier than going full-blown tranny as some of my male friends referred to me as since it's true. I went full-blown tranny for my hair, I swear, I don't want male partners and the youth and rejuvenation make me press a line in the sand. 55 years as male and now the next 55 as female and then I will compare in terms of what stem cell and robotic improvements I make. Maybe they will have Android dicks for everybody that shoot real semen for FtM's. As so many guys say on here, who knows what the future holds.
But I would rather be female and as perfect as I can make Janey then any longer presenting as XY and looking like a rapidly-aging hobo: