Need a little advice. Please help!


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I'm a 20 year old male and I've been noticing that I've been getting a little thin on my crown area over the past month

Both my parents have all their hair and have no family history of male pattern baldness except my uncle but I think it is because he runs his own business and works 18 hrs a day so my guess is that it is the stress that is causing him to lose hair.

When I'm in the shower I'll lose like 10 or 15 hairs when I shampoo and I never noticed this before. When I wake up there is usually no hair on my pillow and when there is it is only one or two. I only seem to lose hair in the shower or when my hair is wet. Why is that?

The past month has been pretty stressful with exams at school and I've been smoking alot over the past month. Could that have caused my loss?

I also tried to grow my hair longer these past 2 or 3 months. I used to have my hair short and spikey and recently tried to grow it out and didn't get a haircut for 2 months. This is about when I noticed my hairs coming out in the shower.

Could it have been me trying to change hairstyles? Maybe the longer hair was a little too heavy than what my scalp was used to?

Also could the cold weather cause hair loss also? I've noticed that my scalp is so itchy once fall and winter set in. I've also noticed alot more dandruff on my head also.

Please help me. I'm desperate.

Bone Daddy

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I'm also in the 10-20 shower / 1 or 2 pillow range at present.


The other day during my shed it was 50 hairs in the shower, and 10 on my pillow and even more on my clothes.

This range is generally described by people on here that have had their male pattern baldness slowed dramatically, or stopped, and are generally responding well to treatment. From what I've read on here anyway.

We (average male) lose 80 hairs at least a day, it's natural. So it's impossible for you to have never lost hairs in the shower, or on your pillow.

Have you got/been diagnosed with male pattern baldness or diffuse thinning?

It could also be that your 20, and your mature hairline is starting to kick in, I've noticed small bald places on 20-21 y/o's with no baldness at all, but yet they have their new mature hair lines. Of course just because your mother or father arent bald doesnt mean you won't be. It can go alot higher in the family tree than that.

I'm sure more people will chime in.


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Thanks for your reply.

I know it's normal for males to shed between 50 and 100 hairs per day but I've just never noticed so much hair coming out in the shower before.

My hairline is intact and hasn't receded one bit. The thinning seems to be taking place on my crown area only. What I've noticed from reading this board is that most people start losing their hair on the hair line.

I haven't been diagnosed with male pattern baldness but maybe I should get it checked out. Who should I go to? My family doctor or someone else?

The Gardener

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If your hair is thinning on the crown area, chances are you are going to suffer from male pattern baldness. Crown thinning is indicative of the 'P' in 'male pattern baldness'.


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Lol, you can't get 'diagnosed' with male pattern baldness!!!!

There is no doctor on the planet that can 'diagnose' Male Pattern Baldness!! There are no tests that confirm or deny male pattern baldness.. blood tests give somekind of a vague indication- their results mean you 'could' have male pattern baldness... or you 'couldn't'.

Would you like a test that says you 'might' have cancer, but you 'might not'? We ALWAYS 'might have it', or 'might not'. The difference is, Cancer can be confirmed, male pattern baldness can't. So, tests are absolutely 100% useless.

A doctor's recommendation comes the exact same way everyone else's does- from their EYES. They can only give a guess as to whether or not you have it, just like you or I could guess. They pull your hair out, they tug on it, move it around, la la la, that means nothing except a big waste of both your time.

The thing to go by is that if you notice thinning on your head, anywhere, then the chances are very good that you have male pattern baldness and have noticed it in its infancy. That's when you go and get on the medication, no questions asked. This way you have the best shot at totally stopping the progress and growing back what little you lost. Side effects are less than 2% of males, so if you see 100 guys on here complaining of side effects then their heads are full of you-know-what- they think they have side effects because they are looking for them now. So surely when you examine yourself closely and wait for something, you're going to find something. "Oh no, must be the propecia!!" lol

If you wait for a year, then you lose lots more hair, and the medication won't re-grow it all (it isn't a wonder drug).

This stuff is real basic, I can't figure out why it seems to be so complex all the time.


Experienced Member
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^^^its not always cut and dry in the manner which you say it is...there are plenty of people who lose hair due to a sudden illness or a sudden stressful event and it takes months and months to regrow but it regrows back without propecia or minoxidil.


Established Member
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Rawwbie's response is a little harsh but honestly, mostly true.

Too many people want to tip-toe around the real issue and start asking if their hairloss is due to diet, stress, jerking it, or watching too much pro hockey.

From what I understand, it takes a monumentally stressful situation over an extended period of time (i.e. being at war or the death of a loved one perhaps) to cause hairloss, and then it's only temporary. You're not going to start thinning because of school exams, I am quite sure of it.


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aw that sucks. I think I'll have to make a doctors appt soon to have some medication prescribed.

Thanks alot grandpa.

my scalp is also itching alot. is it just becasue of the cold and dry winter air or is it something else?

I havne't been taking any medication for my scalp just T-Gel shampoo.