Need advice about scaring...


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So my dermatologist sent me to remove some suspicious moles ! (that sh*t isnt only ugly... its also f*****g dangerous!) anyways i need to get it removed and it will probebly will leave a scare.. i know many of you guys know everything about anything, so is there anything/method to reduce the scaring? something to apply on the wound while it recovers??
im really clueless when it comes to that sort of things, so any input will be greatly appreciated!
tnx :/


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Smooth said:
So my dermatologist sent me to remove some suspicious moles ! (that sh*t isnt only ugly... its also f****ing dangerous!) anyways i need to get it removed and it will probebly will leave a scare.. i know many of you guys know everything about anything, so is there anything/method to reduce the scaring? something to apply on the wound while it recovers??
im really clueless when it comes to that sort of things, so any input will be greatly appreciated!
tnx :/

I once had one removed and all it did was leave a little place of skin that was lighter in color.


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Thanks alot for the input guys!
Hey Gardener, have you tried that serum? yield any good results? ( couldnt find it here, think ill order it online)

The Gardener

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I use it on my face every night, and can vouch for it personally. The stuff does wonders, I'm constantly pestered by female friends of mine to share my skin secret, and this is it. Two of them took up daily use of CP serum, and I've personally seen improvement in both of their faces.

For scars, you might actually want to use a more concentrated product than the "daily, all over face" product I use. That same doctor has some suggestions about things to use specifically for scarring:

I would, obviously, SKIP the exfoliant for a fresh scar!.. but you might consider using the "supercop" product in lieu of the CP serum. More concentrated, but you only use it on spots where your skin is damaged. Now that I think about it, since you would be using this as a pre-emptive measure, perhaps the CP serum would be good to start with, and then you could always upgrade to supercop if things don't look good after a few months.


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The Gardener said:
I use it on my face every night, and can vouch for it personally. The stuff does wonders, I'm constantly pestered by female friends of mine to share my skin secret, and this is it. Two of them took up daily use of CP serum, and I've personally seen improvement in both of their faces.

Is that a permanent treatment or a temporary ? and what exactly are you using it for? acne scars?

The Gardener said:

I would, obviously, SKIP the exfoliant for a fresh scar!.. but you might consider using the "supercop" product in lieu of the CP serum. More concentrated, but you only use it on spots where your skin is damaged. Now that I think about it, since you would be using this as a pre-emptive measure, perhaps the CP serum would be good to start with, and then you could always upgrade to supercop if things don't look good after a few months.

the exfoliant seems like what im looking for... a product to apply directly on the wound to reduce the the scar while it heals.... but anything that can reduce scars would be great to hear about, as i also have some acne scars left from a my teenage years...

billythekid said:
i don't think copper peptides work.

use silicon sheets.
What are these? do you apply these on the wound too? and have you ever tried it?

and again, thanks for the input!!