Need advice and info on wigs


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Hi there. First some background info, (skip this and go on to second paragraph if you want): I'm only 20 years old and my hair isn't actually falling out nor are there any bald spots that I can see. However my hairline has receded pretty badly over the last couple of years and is continuing to do so. This wouldn't bother me as much if it weren't for the fact that my hair on top has become so ridiculously thin and flat that it's impossible to style. When I was younger I had thick hair on top, and the hair at the sides and especially the back is still as thick as it was back then - I'm pretty sure this is some form of male pattern baldness, I'll probably make a post at some point on a more relevant part of the forum showing pictures and asking for opinions.

Whatever it is though, there's no way I'm putting up with it. My plan is to start using minoxidil, propecia and nizoral, and (finally we're getting to the point of my post) I'm seriously considering having my hair cut short or shaving it (only to a number 4, if it's possible) and wearing a temporary wig as a massive confidence booster (this sh*t is really affecting me mentally, especially considering my age) as well as being something to fall back on should the treatment have no effect.

Well, I've started doing some research and I must say, the world of wigs is immensely more complex than I thought it to be. Toupées, hair systems, integration, hair pieces, I don't even know where to begin! I saw some video of a guy messing about with glue and tape on his wig, and rubbing all sorts of alcohol solutions into his scalp and peeling glue off - I see that it's certainly not as simple as just slipping it on after your morning shower and taking it off to go to sleep.

But I don't mind putting up with a bit of maintenance so long as I can get something that looks great and won't fall off. I just don't know where to start though! I need advice on what kind of wig I should get, whether it's even a good idea to get one or not, what it's like to wear one (does it feel like it could fall off in heavy wind or when running, dancing, lying down etc?) as well as where I should go to purchase one. This place (I live in the UK) seems to look pretty good, though there are only 5 mens wigs displayed there the website seems to indicate that there are lots more in stock, and that they can be customised. I've also seen a few people on here citing although I'm not even sure if they're offering what I want.

What I would like is something thick and full on top, medium length, possibly something I could style differently from day to day, that I could wear over existing short length or shaved hair and could take off and put back on each day to apply minoxidil to my real hair without any complications. I'm not sure such a thing is possible though, so I'll take what I can get as long as it looks good.

Sorry for the long winded post, but any help and advice would be massively appreciated!


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Bump for you. I'm in a very similar situation. No receeded hairline, but very thin hair overall on my head that is impossible to style like I want to. So I also would like to know if it is possible to wear a wig with shaved hair ....and how I could make a template without shaving it all off :(
Maybe you should ask in the forum!


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Thanks for the responses guys, and thank you TeddyX, that was very informative.

It seems at this stage the best option is to forget about fake hair for now and start treatment; it just isn't practical now to start wearing anything when I'll have to take it off twice daily to put minoxidil on. If the treatment doesn't seem to be helping and my condition gets worse then I'll reconsider. Despite the disadvantages I think I would prefer a full cap for the reasons andrei mentioned, but we shall have to see.

if you are thinking of the hair system route don't leave it too long. It is far easier to start wearing a system when people do not yet perceive you as balding. If you wait till you are publicly known to be bald, everyone will know that you are wearing a rug, and unfortunately there is a stigma attached to that, especailly if you are still a young guy.

I forgot to mention in my first post that I don't have to worry about people noticing my hair drastically changing (as long as I get my wig/hairpiece this year). I'm planning to move out by the end of the year and start a new course/job, so I'll be surrounded by new people who wouldn't know what my real hair was like. Only the people closest to me would know and, well, I don't mind them knowing. All that matters is that my hair doesn't appear fake to the average joe.

Also, I'm curious, what are the differences between women's and men's wigs then, apart from different styles of course?