Need Advice - hair transplant Results Dissapointing


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I am now hitting my 1 year mark of my hair transplant. I had a procedure done for a beard and to cover the top. The total follicles I paid for numbered 2200 (1700 for top and 250/side for beard). I also opted to use the ARTAS machine because I had a "one and done" mentality. The doctor is also board-certified. I spent $10k on everything.

Once the procedure had been completed, I couldn't help but to compare my results as time progressed with those posted online at the same time intervals and approximate follicle count. In particular the count on my beard seemed way less than 250/side and the crown (the main area I wanted fixed) seemed pretty low as well.

From the very beginning I grew concerned that the amount of incision points from my own post-op pictures was much more sparse than what I was seeing from others. There was also an area on the right side beard which was left out and it looked really weird. I let the doctor know of this and he invited me back to get a few more follicles inserted into the missing area via the traditional FUE method (not ARTAS). The location was several hours away so it sucked having to drive back, but of course I did since I wanted it fixed.
Fast forward a few months and I still wasn't seeing much progress up top and my beard hairs, although visible, was not showing much density. The area was on par with what I expected based on the same density as the post-op pics. I let the doctor know of this and he told me I needed to wait.

9 mo post-op and I'm really not seeing much change to anything. The top is still pretty bald and the beard doesn't look full at all. Again I reached out and he said I should wait a year before I really should worry.
Now I am at the point of a year and I am dissapointed. I really wanted this to work and I spent a good deal of money in an effort to accomplish that. I have set up a skype meeting with the doctor later this week and I don't even know how to approach this. What is customary in these types of situations? I would really like what I paid for, but it's just depressing to think of waiting another year if he even agrees to put more in. I am also even further away from the office (~10 hour drive) so going there and back would take some planning.
I really don't have a gameplan at this point but I am just frustrated at the situation. I have my pre-op, post-op, and current photos below. Pre-op was when my hair was kinda long since I knew they would be cutting it at the office. Also, I have taken RU58841 every day along with 5% minoxidil, biotin and keto shampoo.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Pre Op



Post Op




1 Year
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The doctor is a member of IAHRS. Do you think the graft count appears aligned with what I paid. I don't see how it's 250/side. Also, the crown graft density seems very sparse.