Need Advice: How Many Grafts I Need?


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I need advice about my hair transplant, one doctor said that i don't need a transplant and i can just use medications and i told him i need to restore hairline so he suggested a 1000 graft for hairline.. is that enough to restore my hairline based on my pics and if not then how many do you think i need?





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like 4000 easily......

your entire head is pretty much bald diffuse.


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1000 is not enough because I think you need more than just the hairline, and 1000 is barely enough for that. 2500 for starters to get some coverage behind it. Get a couple more opinions from the better doctors.

dr. cole

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At some point, you are all right. I would not advise a large graft count at this point. Unless you want to lower your hairline, 1500 should be adequate. You will probably lose more hair over time, and you will probably need more grafts over time. Unless you want to lower your hairline, I think 1500 is fine. You have a plethora of existing hair so any more than this is simply a waste of money at this point. It's like buying four tires when you need one. Why do this? If you are conservative, 1200 might be adequate. Then again, I seem always to get more with fewer grafts. It's up to you to decide, but this is my opinion.


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At some point, you are all right. I would not advise a large graft count at this point. Unless you want to lower your hairline, 1500 should be adequate. You will probably lose more hair over time, and you will probably need more grafts over time. Unless you want to lower your hairline, I think 1500 is fine. You have a plethora of existing hair so any more than this is simply a waste of money at this point. It's like buying four tires when you need one. Why do this? If you are conservative, 1200 might be adequate. Then again, I seem always to get more with fewer grafts. It's up to you to decide, but this is my opinion.

Thank you so much for your reply dr.cole, i'm on minoxidil for the past 4-5 years (used finasteride for the first year then stopped) and it helped stopping my hair loss but my hairline was already receded, i definitely want to lower my hairline and continue using minoxidil for 3-4 years more before needing more surgery, is 2000 grafts enough to lower my hairline and fill the front area?