Need advice on gyno treatments


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I've had mild pubertal gyno for a long time. About 2 months ago it flared up really bad and I don't know why. My nipples got sensitive and itchy one day and it suddenly became puffier. It only felt that way for one day, but it's still puffy. It's noticeable through a dark t shirt. I never did steroids and I've never taken finasteride. I started minoxidil and nizoral, but that was after the recent incident.

Surgery is not an option. I've read a lot about the recommended supplements (nolva, ralox, rebound...), but I haven't seen anything conclusive. And I'm concerned about the side effects from them. I want to try one of them, but would like to avoid messing with my hormones.

As far as reducing bodyfat goes, I work out all the time. I'm not incredibly lean, but I would guess I'm around 13 to 15% bf.

Does anybody have any experience with nolva, ralox...? Any other advice? I would like to get fix this or at least reduce appearance of it.


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Ck87 - I have suffered from Gyno and have done quite a lot of research on the subject.

If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? From what I understand, in the fair majority of cases Gyno can resolve itself in the later stages of puberty. If you are aged 15-20 my advice would be to ride it out and let nature take it's course. Your hormones fluctuate during this period, and this is what causes the fattie tissue/puffy nipples.

If however you are over 21 - it is most likely whatever degree of Gyno you have will NOT dissapear - no matter how much you exercise and diet. In most cases, a hard, lumpy 'gristle' type matter develops directly underneath your nipples which causes them to stick out/ be puffy. If this is the case for you and you can feel the small lumps - surgery is the ONLY option.

By all means, go to your doctor and discuss your concerns with him. However be warned - not all doctors (esp. mine) are knowledgable on the subject and they will probably try and fob you off. Mine did.

A good resource/forum is - I was a regular on this forum before I had my surgery (which turned out to be one of the best decisions I have ever made. :) ) There are A LOT of knowledgeable people on there.

As with hairloss though - the key to success is RESEARCH, RESEARCH and more RESEARCH!!!

Hope this helps....

Rambo said:
Go to the doctor man, No one here will know more then a doctor.

Depends on the Doctor..... I can assure you I know a hell of a lot more about Gyno than my doctor!! :lol:


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Thanks for the replies.

I'm turning 20 in a few days and I'm willing to wait it out, but I doubt it will resolve itself. The situation is bad enough to be noticeable, but it's not out of control. I can feel the small lumps behind the nipple.

Did you end up resolving your gyno Jared? How did you do it? What was your age?


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I think i was about 21-22 when I had the surgery.

As i stated previously, the only way to get rid of the lumps and excess breast tissue is through surgery (unfortunately.) However, if you do decide to go down that route, the most important aspect is choosing a good surgeon. A lot of different surgeons use different techniques - some leave scars, others don't.

I did a lot of research on the net, found a good and VERY experienced surgeon with a great reputation, and got a fantastic result. Absolutely no scars - just a great, normal looking flat chest.

IF you do opt for surgery, obviously this is something you need to seriously take the time to think about. DON'T make any hasty decisions. Do as much research as possible, then make your decision.

Just to re-iterate, no matter how much weight you try to loose, diet, work out at the gym or medication you take - your gyno will NOT resolve itself.