Need Advice on Supplements to Restore Sexual Vigor


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Hello everyone. I was on Propecia for 7 months, I quit in July 07 because of sides. It it now 2 months later and I am still experiencing a low libido and poor erection strength. What would you guys recommend I start taking in order to restore my body to a pre-Propecia state? Thanks all.


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Take L-arginine and Horney Goat's Weed every day. On nights where you know you have to perform take Cialis.


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person said:
Take L-arginine and Horney Goat's Weed every day. On nights where you know you have to perform take Cialis.

CAREFUL with that!!! I'm pretty sure it's VERY DANGEROUS to take Cialis/v**** in conjunction with L_arginine!!!

from wikipedia:

"Contraindications include:
When taking nitric oxide donors, organic nitrites and nitrates, such as glyceryl trinitrate (nitroglycerin)"

"Since PDE5 inhibitors such as tadalafil may cause transiently low blood pressure (hypotension), organic nitrates should not be taken for at least 48 hours after taking the last dose of tadalafil. Using organic nitrates (such as the sex drug amyl nitrite) within this timeframe may increase the risk of life-threatening hypotension."

So it's either L-arginine or Cialis/v****, the drugs are of course much more effective.

Another interesting option that I found thanks to propeciahelp is:

Those two articles suggest that acetyl-L-carnitine & propionyl-L-carnitine may help fix ED problems, the mechanizm is unclear and the age group and reason of ED are different then our reason, and yet it may help.
1. acetyl-L-carnitine is not the ordinary L-carnitine, it's a little bit more expensive, and yet the price is reasonable.
2. propionyl-L-carnitine is not available, so I'm taking about 4 grams per day of acetyl-L-carnitine (in the clinical tests they used 2 grams of each kind).
3. I read that acetyl-L-carnitine should be combined with alpha lipoic acid, I'm taking that too.
4. There is some improvement in my sides, I have no idea if its the acetyl-L-carnitine or other herbal stuff I was taking (L-arginine, korean ginseng, horney goat weed, maca), or all of this is sh*t and the improvement is simply because...time...body restoring its hormonal balance on its own...
(I'm now healing from sides due to eucapil, but those are the same sides I had from finasteride, this time with fluridil it's even a little worse!)

Good luck dude!


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He could kill two birds with one stone by taking Acetyl L-Carnitine Arginate. It's a little more expensive, but also 4x more bioavailable than regular Acetyl L-Carnitine.


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I'd recommend going and getting a full hormone profile by an endocrinologist prior to going and taking any other pharmaceuticals.....
Finasteride plays with a number of your hormone pathways and your sexual disfunction could be due to any number of them.... could be from excess estrogen, your crown jules may not be normally androgenised anymore etc, etc.

Normal off the shelf supplements like horny goat weed, zinc and L carnatine will likely help.... but it always pays to be careful before you go ordering something like v****/ciallis.


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Horny Goat Weed... after about 3-4 weeks I noticed a difference.

Right when I stopped taking it, I noticed a libido drop, but lately my libido is back up without it.

I took 2x a day I think whatever they reccomended.