Need Advice


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I've been taking finasteride (1.25mg) for 8 days now and I have noticed that my sperm has become watery. Also my sex drive isnt as high as it use to be, I still get erections (not so frequent) and morning wood but they are about 30% softer erections. As for the balls ache I get them at night for like only for 5mins and they are not that painful. Are all these a sign that I should stop or are these sides temporary? After hearing all these things about impotence I'm really paranoid. :( Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Experienced Member
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All of the symptoms you describe can be caused by Finasteride. Unfortunately if you experienced them after only a week, you may not be a good candidate for the medication and should consider quitting.

The FDA approval studies showed that of the men taking finasteride, around 5% had at least one side effect shortly after starting. However, after 5 years, only 0.3% still had side effects. This shows that side effects lessen over time.

From what i've seen, side effects are worst at the start, but get better over time. This is probably due to a period of your body adjusting to the changes in hormones. However, it's ultimately up to you if you want to try waiting it out, as there is a chance the side effects wont go away no matter how long you take it.

This is purely anecdotal, but I saw posted on another forum that if you stagger your introduction to the medication over the course of a few months, your body is more slowly introduced to the hormonal changes and people have reported that side effects are less severe or non existant all together. You would do this by coming off the medication entirely for a couple weeks, then taking 1 pill once a week for 2 weeks, then 2 pills a week for 2 weeks, then 3 pills a week for 2 weeks and so on until you are on it 7 days a week.

Best of luck.


New Member
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thank you so much for the advice :) I think Im going to stay on finasteride for another week and stop completely if the sides dont get better. Oh is it normal for your facial hair to be affect by finasteride? Because my facial hair seems to be growing slower and less thick.


Established Member
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DHT is responsible for secondary sex characteristics - beard. So yes.

Let's hope that you don't end up with permanent side effects.


Senior Member
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You might also try getting the 1mg pills and cutting them in half. .5mg will still get you results, and it has a lower chance of sides.