Need advice


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Hey All,

I've been on propecia for about 9 months now and Revivogen for about 4. I'm not sure how the combination is working for me because I still seem to have lost hair but some people have told me that since I introduced Revivogen part of the way in I may have introduced a new shed and thus it will take longer to see results until all the hair grows in again. I'm still a little skeptical though. I've been thinking about Minoxidil or Xandrox 5% and I'm just wondering what peoples thoughts are on it. If I am not responding too well to the Propecia it probably means I have a more "intense" case of male pattern baldness and so I'm a little hesitant to add xandrox. Has anyone had no luck with Propecia and had great results with minoxidil? I just wish that they knew more about how minoxidil worked. Like Propecia some people seem to respond well and others not at all so I just don't want to make my situation worse than it is already. Is it worth replacing Revivogen with Xandrox? Should I wait longer to see how the Revivogen does? I just don't want to wait too long and go up on the Norwood scale while I'm f*****g around with treatments that aren't working.


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Can anyone help?

Anyone got any advice? On any of those questions? I'm kinda frustrated I didn't even get one reply.


Established Member
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Check the forums bro

These sorts of questions have been beat to death, they kind of go in one ear and out the other since we have read them more than a thousand times :wink:

I'm sure if you do a quick keyword search you should find whatchya need!