Need an excuse for visible donor strip and sutures


My Regimen
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I had a minimal 700 graft procedure done by the Shapiro clinic (Paul) 2 weeks ago. The problem is that my donor strip is partially visible along with the sutures as I keep my hair pretty short in back. I was expecting it to be a couple month wait when I first inquired but he was able to schedule me in about a month and I just wanted to get it over with. I went to get the sutures removed today but there is an infection and they are not ready to come out. I purposely scheduled client visits not less than 2 weeks after my procedure, but now I will be seeing them this week and I need to come up with an excuse as to why I have this big red slice in the back of my head with sutures sticking out.

Any ideas?

FYI, my procedure went very smoothly, and I commend Dr. Paul Shapiro, Matt Zupan, and the entire staff on their skill and professionalism.


Senior Member
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Your worried about the donor area?
What about the recipient area? surely that is more visibly odd looking?
And a strip procedure for 700 grafts WTF!?
If its only 700 the strip cant have been too big you could just say that you banged/cut your head eg fell of a ladder or something.


Experienced Member
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700 ??????????????? and wy didnt you go for a quick fue session... strip for 700 is a litle crazy in my head. :uglylol:


My Regimen
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Thanks for the replies. To address the "why 700" questions, transplants done on the hairline 10 years ago are beginning to show as some of the existing hair have receeded a bit over the last year. Since my company is going out of business and I will need a new job soon (and I work from home 95% of the time), the best time to get the transplant done was asap. The new hair is covered up without a problem since it is mainly around the temple region. I'm also not sure what benefit a FUE procedure would have done. Wouldn't Shapiro have recommended this if that was the better option - plus he was able to "eliminate" the existing scar so I still only have one. Hope that helps explain things.


Senior Member
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Tell them it was a motorcycle crash. The front is road rash, and the scar is where they went in for the brain transplant.


1st anf foremost, let me congrat you on doing your hair. I hope the best for you.
I dont think you have to make an excuse. People out there are getting crap done on them that they dont need.And thats supposedly accepted. I mean why do you think Plastic surgeons make alot of money. This is a problem for men and were doing something about it! I got my hair transplant done and my Girlfriend is coming with me to my second one.