Need answer from you guys re Proscar


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I just popped in here from the girls forum BECUASE I seriously need to ask you guys a question re Proscar. I have been diagnosed with FPB ... Wooohoooo.. and I live in England,.... my Endo prescribed me 5mg Proscar tablets once a day (I have no idea why I have to take five and you guys seem to take 1mg), however to get the tablets has been a nightmare as no chemist is willing to give it to me because I am a woman.

Managed to get it eventually by taking letter from endo and demanding it. I have been taking it for six (ish) weeks as has my twin sister and I am noticing that I am getting burning pain on the top of my scalp ALONG with a load of hairs coming out .. its totally freaking me out ... I have extensions in at the moment to thicken up my hair and now its likley they are going to start dropping out :freaked2:

Guys is this NORMAL i read that you all speak of sheds but I run my hands thruogh the back of my hair just now and I counted 50 hairs and I was not even rough... anyone else have this burning pain ????

Please help me ... not many women have tried this and I have only heard one story where the girl lost ALL her hair through the shed .. whther that is true I dont know.

Would REALLY REALLY REALLY appreciate any advice from the PROS on Propecia!



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i agree, honestly women are not supposed to be one propecia because it causes serious birth defects, so i would definitely get a second opinion on using it, 5mg is WAY too much, people in here only use 1.25 at the very most. you should look into rogaine for women, it is MUCH MUCH safer and works pretty well i've heard.


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My GP agreed it was too high and double checked with my endo and he said that he always puts women on 5mg ....

I am on the rogaine for women have been for nearly a year and apart from a huge DREAD shed I only have a little regrowth becuase my hair loss is caused by a medical hormonal condition he said I was too androgentic (whatever that means) and that because I tried spironolactone, the birth control and androcur this was my final and only option and he has done it before on women ... but I cannot find any info on side effects apart from women shoujld not take it ... I am DEFO not going to get preggars because the last thing I feel at the moment is sexy :lol: !

So do you guys think if I stick to this then I will get horrendous side effects.. currently apart from a burning scalp on one spot and increase in shed I am ok !!!! :wink:


Well if you endo has prescribed this and your GP has double checked then I assume they both know what they are talking about. It is very strange though... putting a women on Propecia. But I guess your hormones will not be as messed up as mauch as a mans.

Have you spoken to your endo or GP about the burning scalp. Are you using any kind of shampoo that could be causing it. Head and Sholders maybe......


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Thanks traxdata

I know its uncommon because the pharmasist went spastic when I tried to get the prescription .. plus she prob thought I was a mentalist because I was standing there with extensions in and the loss cant be seen to anyone who does not know ... anyway after a lot of persuassion and dr letter she gave it to me .. although she did ask in front of everyone what it was for .. I neaerly died :oops:

Anyway ... my endo said the burning "MIGHT be a sign its working ! go figure" but the hair I am losing is coming from that area ! my twin sister (we are identical) started a week after me adn today she started the same complaint ... oh well I suppose only time will tell.

Also did you shed ? are you propecia ? is it huge ? I cant bear the thought of another shed liek the regaine dread shed it freaked me out I was nearly going to admit myself to a mental ward !!! :D



I have been on Proscar/Propecia(aka finasteride) for 8.5 months now. I had quite a decent shed, which I was very proud of at month 7 which lasted a month or so. :)

We all get this tingling sensation and to me that means that the hair is moving inside the scalp. It almost feels as if the individual hair is moving. To me this means the hair will be lost but not forever, it should grow back better next time round and then again and again.

My shed has now stopped and it appears things seem to be settling down and I can see quite a few hairs sprouting and getting thicker.

I can only feel for you in your situation as it's devastating enough for a man to lose his hair, for a women it must be much more difficult...


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oh thanks guys your answers have helped me out ..... maybe I should just shave it all off and be done with the stress and hell of this ... its AWFUL but one word .. in England a lot a LOT of my friends like men who have shaved (I think you say buzzed) heads .... its actually preety sexy :D ... I dont know anyone who would never not date a guy because he has recession, thinning or whatever .... its actually quite "horny" !!

Shame it doesnt work the other way :wink:

Anyhow ... thanks a million I will pop to heralopecia...

Cheers guys

Good luck ,.... I know I need it !


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Scaredsal said:
I dont know anyone who would never not date a guy because he has recession, thinning or whatever .... its actually quite "horny" !!
That's what my wife tells me and what I've tried to tell the young guys here, but no one believes it, I guess including me.

The Gardener

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I don't understand your doctor's Proscar/Finasteride prescription. Given that he says you are losing your hair due to andro, I would think he would instead put you on something like Yasmin. I BELIEVE, and this is just from my own research, that most FPB is NOT caused by DHT, but is caused by testosterone itself. Proscar won't help with that. Have you received a second opinion on this?

An additional tip... you say you use Rogaine for women... well, if you wanted to try to get a little more horsepower out of your minoxidil, I have heard of women switching to the Rogaine for Men blend. The women's blend has, I believe 2% minoxidil and the mens' blends usually have 5%. They usually don't recommend the Mens' blends for women because they are afraid of some of the side effects (more prominent facial hair on some) but many women use it with little to no sides. The increased minoxidil % is proven to be MUCH more effective than the 2% you are currently using.

Keep in mind that most GPs do not know much about hairloss, outside of the prescription drug circulars they get trying to market drugs. You really have to be proactive and seek out a GP who has taken some sort of an interest in hairloss and is familar with its complexities, especially with women.

Good luck.


Scaredsal said:
she prob thought I was a mentalist

LOL...Alan Partridge?

Scaredsal, 5mg sounds like a hell of a lot of finasteride !!!!

Maybe your endocrinologist is the mentalist ??

For your burning scalp have you tried the usual tricks...

T/Gel + Coal Tar
T/Gel + Salicylic acid
Rinsing your scalp with very cold water after bath/shower.
Emu oil

etc etc....

good luck


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Totally confused all dr's say diff things.

Isnt finasteride/Propecia a TYPE of anti androgen ? I know it works slightly different but endo said that as I was reacting badly to all other drugs (I had to get ambulence out on one occassion) that this would be my final choice he said it works differently but still has anti androgen similarities !

Oh this whole hair loss thing is making me sick :x ...