Need dutasteride half life info... effectiveness EOD?


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If I take .5 dutasteride on sunday, how much (effective) dose is still in my sys on Monday? Tuesday? Wednesday?

Trying to plan my switch to dutasteride...



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mbehr22 said:
If I take .5 dutasteride on sunday, how much (effective) dose is still in my sys on Monday? Tuesday? Wednesday?

It depends on how much of the drug had built-up in your system, which you didn't specify in your question.


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Bryan said:
mbehr22 said:
If I take .5 dutasteride on sunday, how much (effective) dose is still in my sys on Monday? Tuesday? Wednesday?

It depends on how much of the drug had built-up in your system, which you didn't specify in your question.

sorry bryan

what im asking is if im on finasteride (1mg) 7 days a week, and im getting some temple regrowth but the top of my head still appears to be thin overall, what is the best route for me to go when i comes to possibly switching to dutasteride.

I hear that taking dutasteride 3 x week (.5mg) is better than finasteride 7 days a week...

what if i take dutasteride on sunday, nothing on monday, then resume taking finasteride tues - saturday ... ?

im 30 and have not started a family, so i dont want to take dutasteride in a large doses due to the rumor of poss birth defects...

it seems the advice i get from here, compared to that of other sites (regarding dutasteride) vary quite a bit, so its hard to tell what data is skewed and which is correct...

thanks for any feedback


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mbehr22 said:
im 30 and have not started a family, so i dont want to take dutasteride in a large doses due to the rumor of poss birth defects...

Not a problem.

As with other 5 alpha reductase inhibitors, dutasteride inhibits the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone and may, if administered to a woman carrying a male foetus, inhibit the development of the external genitalia of the foetus (see 4.4 Special Warnings and Precautions for Use). Small amounts of dutasteride have been recovered from the semen in subjects receiving Avodart 0.5mg day. Based on studies in animals, it is unlikely that a male foetus will be adversely affected if his mother is exposed to the semen of a patient being treated with Avodart (the risk of which is greatest during the first 16 weeks of pregnancy). However, as with all 5 alpha reductase inhibitors, when the patient's partner is or may potentially be pregnant it is recommended that the patient avoids exposure of his partner to semen by use of a condom.


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Sir_LagaLot said:

The graphic is very interesting. So taking 0.5mg of dutasteride EOD is 14% plus effective?


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mbehr22 said:
what if i take dutasteride on sunday, nothing on monday, then resume taking finasteride tues - saturday ... ?

You mean, take dutasteride only once a week, with finasteride on most of the other days? Why not just take dutasteride twice a week, and leave it at that?

mbehr22 said:
im 30 and have not started a family, so i dont want to take dutasteride in a large doses due to the rumor of poss birth defects...

Don't worry about that. The FDA has removed all restrictions on the use of these drugs in regard to conceiving a child.


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Sir_LagaLot said:


why do you think we have better levels of DHT when the 2-on, 1-off (green) is followed as opposed to the EOD regimen? Very interesting!