Need Help Creating My Homemade Topical!


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Let me introduce myself:

Norwood I-II (closer to II), shedding way more in the last 2-3 months and trying to get some natural treatments:

The first treatment I tried was Zix: total fail. It made mys calp very dry and shed increased. Overall feeling was bad. I did the suggested concentrations and brands, then lowered zinc sullphate, then lowered ethil, then removed ethil, nothing good, mostly bad/dry. My scalp tends to be on the dry side so it only made it drier. Complete fail, I don't want that near my scalp.

The second was Regenepure DR: now that was a little improvement. I actually started just a little bit before (a couple days) putting Zix on my scalp, and until I used Zix, shedding actually reversed a bit! I felt it a little stronger, I could rub my hair and almost no hairs fell! Moderate success

The third one has been Hair Restoration Laboratories Shampoo+Conditioner. I made a lot of research on Amazon, literally A LOT. Including fake reviews sites as and
It was the best shampoo I found when removing all the crap/fake reviews, which, in the hair loss business, there are A LOT. An inmense amount.
Now, I have been using it for 3 days and I would say results have been overall positive. I bought the non-ketoconazole version (that one cannot ship directly to Europe I think), and I'm overall happy. Scalp is not left dry, not oily too, itch has been diminished a bit, shedding a little diminished I would say. Still in the evaluation phase. Promising.

I have also purchased another three treatments:

Amitamin Hair Plus oral. Allegedly, a bunch (most, really) of the good stuff for hair growth. Almost all of it. Seems even too good to be true, but then agian, they are Germans, so who knows lol
I made a lot of review cause as I say, the ingredients/price seemed to be too good to be true, but what I found was mostly trustworthy. Arrived today, still haven't started to take it.

Derminator 2 (wounding). Still hasn't arrived

Stimulax01 (massaging). Still hasn't arrived

Now, about the topical. I have bought almost every goddamn natural product to create my own topical. I don't want anything DHT block related close to my blood, so all will be topical, not oral.
So basically everything with a bit of research, even in rats or in vitro, I bought it. I spent lots and lots of hours researching. And again, I bought only good quality products. Again, I had to get rid of all the shitty/fake reviews, so it took me a lot of time to find a good quality saw palmetto standarized for 85-95%, good quality essential oils, good quality supplements, etc. There are a lot of shitty products out there, most of them don't include even close to the amounts they claim to have. That's I guess why some treatments fail.

Now, here is my list of natural products I have available, most of them organic, and good quality:

Carrier oils:
Pumpking seed oil
Coconut oil
Castor oil
Olive oil

Essential oils:

Saw Palmetto
Green Tea
Arginine (Citrulline, actually)
Vitamin C
Reishi Mushroom
Rhodiola Rosea

The problem is I don't know how to mix them, which proportion of them to put into the mix!

1-What would be the right proportions of each of them? Even if it's some help with some would be good.
I saw as a base a product called Hairmetto, with the following proportions:
Pumpking seed oil 85%
Saw Palmetto 5%
Castor oil/Lavender oil/Cedarwood/Rosemary about 3% each. Essential oils as far as I understand should be put in about a 3% mix, just a few drops.

So I guess I can use maybe about 80% carrier oils and 20% the extracts. Does that sound good?

2-Second question: Do I need to add some alcohol/ethil as carrier, and also as a conservant? if so, which alcohol/substance? What proportion? I haven't been able to find info of that.

3-And third one: How to put it on my scalp? I've read on some places putting it at night and leaving it for the whole night and then in the morning washing it is the way to go, have any of you done it like this?

Anything, any help really, related to topicals, will be more than welcome. I would appreciate a lot!


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For what it's worth because I am new to this as well only doing it a couple weeks. I developed psoriasis because of stress which recently flared up big time but it's only considered "mild." I don't know if I'm actually losing my hair (I lose almost zero hairs shampooing or scalp massaging). I've heard by many people, including a couple on this board who have had this, and that it does grow back to normal after a few months if you treat the condition. But it is noticeably thinner just because of this so I am not dicking around.

I don't know if there is any ideal mix to this because it's not a proven science so go with what you feel works for you. The top two oils below are the ones that are supposed to do the magic so I lighten up on the carrier oils a bit and apply what feels comfortable.

I do the scalp massage prior for about 20 minutes to really loosen the skin up - you should be able to feel this after some days or a couple weeks for sure. I'll even hang my head upside down for 10 minutes because I've heard working with gravity can help. Probably broscience but if I'm watching TV anyway, what the hell does it matter. Costs me nothing to do that.

Steam distilled rosemary oil several drops although this should probably be cold pressed, it is very difficult to find locally, steam distilled is much more common, and the difference between this and I've read cold pressed isn't exactly a proven thing either.
Steam distilled peppermint oil several drops
Steam distilled Jojoba oil - twice as many drops as the two essential oils combined
Organic cold pressed Caster oil - recently started using

I use a syringe - apply to my scalp by parting my hair. I let it sit for several hours which is fine if I'm not going out that evening. I don't like doing it overnight because if it feels funny on your scalp and your sleeping, you might not wake up and therefore can't wash it out. But I've had no issues regardless.

3L of water a day including several green teas.
Multivitamin x2
Flaxseed oil x2
Cold pressed Coconut oil consumption.
Cold pressed Omega 3s Fish Oil in protein shakes.
Pumpkin seed oil (soon to incorporate)
I was thinking about Saw Palmetto but I've heard those supplements can cause libido issues similar to Finnestride and like I said - I am not sure if I am actually losing my hair until my scalp fully recovers. Plus, those are expensive as far as I can tell - $30 for 30 tablets.
Nizoral 2%

10 minutes worth of deep breathing exercises twice a day I find really helps deal with any stress.

My diet is almost 'top notch.' Has been for a long *** time now because I enjoy weight lifting and exercise.

Beyond this, I don't know what else can be done aside from drugs.

I hope this helps you a bit.


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Let me introduce myself:

Norwood I-II (closer to II), shedding way more in the last 2-3 months and trying to get some natural treatments:

The first treatment I tried was Zix: total fail. It made mys calp very dry and shed increased. Overall feeling was bad. I did the suggested concentrations and brands, then lowered zinc sullphate, then lowered ethil, then removed ethil, nothing good, mostly bad/dry. My scalp tends to be on the dry side so it only made it drier. Complete fail, I don't want that near my scalp.

The second was Regenepure DR: now that was a little improvement. I actually started just a little bit before (a couple days) putting Zix on my scalp, and until I used Zix, shedding actually reversed a bit! I felt it a little stronger, I could rub my hair and almost no hairs fell! Moderate success

The third one has been Hair Restoration Laboratories Shampoo+Conditioner. I made a lot of research on Amazon, literally A LOT. Including fake reviews sites as and
It was the best shampoo I found when removing all the crap/fake reviews, which, in the hair loss business, there are A LOT. An inmense amount.
Now, I have been using it for 3 days and I would say results have been overall positive. I bought the non-ketoconazole version (that one cannot ship directly to Europe I think), and I'm overall happy. Scalp is not left dry, not oily too, itch has been diminished a bit, shedding a little diminished I would say. Still in the evaluation phase. Promising.

I have also purchased another three treatments:

Amitamin Hair Plus oral. Allegedly, a bunch (most, really) of the good stuff for hair growth. Almost all of it. Seems even too good to be true, but then agian, they are Germans, so who knows lol
I made a lot of review cause as I say, the ingredients/price seemed to be too good to be true, but what I found was mostly trustworthy. Arrived today, still haven't started to take it.

Derminator 2 (wounding). Still hasn't arrived

Stimulax01 (massaging). Still hasn't arrived

Now, about the topical. I have bought almost every goddamn natural product to create my own topical. I don't want anything DHT block related close to my blood, so all will be topical, not oral.
So basically everything with a bit of research, even in rats or in vitro, I bought it. I spent lots and lots of hours researching. And again, I bought only good quality products. Again, I had to get rid of all the shitty/fake reviews, so it took me a lot of time to find a good quality saw palmetto standarized for 85-95%, good quality essential oils, good quality supplements, etc. There are a lot of shitty products out there, most of them don't include even close to the amounts they claim to have. That's I guess why some treatments fail.

Now, here is my list of natural products I have available, most of them organic, and good quality:

Carrier oils:
Pumpking seed oil
Coconut oil
Castor oil
Olive oil

Essential oils:

Saw Palmetto
Green Tea
Arginine (Citrulline, actually)
Vitamin C
Reishi Mushroom
Rhodiola Rosea

The problem is I don't know how to mix them, which proportion of them to put into the mix!

1-What would be the right proportions of each of them? Even if it's some help with some would be good.
I saw as a base a product called Hairmetto, with the following proportions:
Pumpking seed oil 85%
Saw Palmetto 5%
Castor oil/Lavender oil/Cedarwood/Rosemary about 3% each. Essential oils as far as I understand should be put in about a 3% mix, just a few drops.

So I guess I can use maybe about 80% carrier oils and 20% the extracts. Does that sound good?

2-Second question: Do I need to add some alcohol/ethil as carrier, and also as a conservant? if so, which alcohol/substance? What proportion? I haven't been able to find info of that.

3-And third one: How to put it on my scalp? I've read on some places putting it at night and leaving it for the whole night and then in the morning washing it is the way to go, have any of you done it like this?

Anything, any help really, related to topicals, will be more than welcome. I would appreciate a lot!

I started 3 month ago to take oral saw palmetto and topical essential oils. I do 5 ml of olive oil with 5 drops of rosemary oil + 5 drops peppermint oil. I leave the mix over night. After 3 months i start to see some improvement, the hairs grow more longer and thicker. But it takes time and daily use.


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For what it's worth [...].

Just a few peaces of advices first if you allow me:

-Multivitamin is not the way to go. They are not proven to improve nobody's condition, and they could do more harm than good. You might be taking too much of something, too. Be careful. my advice is throw them to the trash lol but you might want to make some research on yourself first.
Lack of nutritions is usually not he cause of hair loss, but in the case it was, I would be more selective with them. Take multivitamin specifically for hair loss. I mentioned one, hair plus from amitamin, that has most of what is necessary for hair loss. The rest, you don't need. Will it have all it claims it have, and of good quality? Nobody knows unless you run a lab exam at your own cost.
If you're eating well, and as you mention you are, I wouldn't worry much. And in case of some multivitamin, go for something hair-specific: biotin, Vitamin B, folic acid, Iron, Selenium, Copper, Zinc, etc. Never a cheap normal multivitamin.

-Saw Palmetto can be overall very good for some people, but I've read that could have -much smaller and much rarer than finasteride- sides when oral. When topical I have not heard about any sides. The shampoo + conditioner I mention in my first post both have saw palmetto in them, Regenepure DR (the keto shampoo I mentioned) also has it in it, the hairmetto formula I also mentioned also has it in it. I'm gonna include it in my topical formula.
The good one is the standarized for 85-95% fatty acids. Doctor's best seems to be a good brand with good-not-fake reviews, and is not as expensive as 1$/pill. Besides, if you put it in your scalp, it can last for a lot of time.

Do not go for any brand when on supplements. Don't go for the cheapest. Don't trust Amazon reviews (especially the too good reviews lol). Make research on brands or you're gonna end up swallowing some very expensive flour lol


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Yeah regarding your topical, I understand:

Jojoba oil 2x
Castor oil 2x?
Peppermint oil 1x
Rosemary oil 1x

idk, that seems to be a very high proportion of essential oils! From the studies I read, it should be more like 3-5% at the most for each one. Your proportions seem very random lol

Besides what you currently do, you could try dermaneedling, I'm gonna try when the Derminator 2 arrives, some study mention it as effective as Minoxidil 5% I think.


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I started 3 month ago to take oral saw palmetto and topical essential oils. I do 5 ml of olive oil with 5 drops of rosemary oil + 5 drops peppermint oil. I leave the mix over night. After 3 months i start to see some improvement, the hairs grow more longer and thicker. But it takes time and daily use.

Do you wash it in the mornings or you don't need to? Do you cover your hair at night with something?

At least you could try adding some 5% saw palmetto to the topical mix and see what happens, it can't do harm and there is some science behind it.


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Do you wash it in the mornings or you don't need to? Do you cover your hair at night with something?

At least you could try adding some 5% saw palmetto to the topical mix and see what happens, it can't do harm and there is some science behind it.

Yes i wash with shampoo my hairs when i wake up in the morning. No i dont conver my hairs. I cant find topical saw palmetto in my country. It would be benefical for sure.


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You dont have to create topical saw palmetto, you can just open your capsule and put it into the mix! It's the same as with Zix and zinc sulphate and B6 :)

Look at this hairmetto formula, it's just normal saw palmetto extract. In this formula it has about 5% saw palmetto extract, so that's what you should aim for I guess.


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You dont have to create topical saw palmetto, you can just open your capsule and put it into the mix! It's the same as with Zix and zinc sulphate and B6 :)

Look at this hairmetto formula, it's just normal saw palmetto extract. In this formula it has about 5% saw palmetto extract, so that's what you should aim for I guess.

I cant put the herb in the oil. Only in water if im not wrong. Maybe i can apply the saw palmetto with water and than the mix of oils ?


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Well, did you saw the Hairmetto formula image? It's 85% Pumpkin seed oil and doesn't have any alcohols or anything else than natural ingredients! Just essential oils, Saw Palmetto and the Pumpkin seed oil as a carrier.

And, by the way, regarding saw palmetto I did a little bit more research yesterday and it seems like the only sides reported are some mild stomach ache, so I'm gonna include it to my oral regime too!
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I went back to Zix to try again and I have immense headaches. At first, I thought it was just coincidence. Nopeee...

As for Saw Palmetto, my stomach can't handle it :| even with a full meal.

*For Regenepure or w/e you call it. Do you really think it slows down hair loss??? I use Nizoral but it only gives me volume and less scalp itch. I'm shedding like mad now :|. This might be BS but have you heard of taking in Fenuk powder orally? mixing with hot water etc..not sure if I should give it a try or not b/c the Indian youtuber is like blah blah it's all in your diet etc..Lot of BS noncritical thinkers on youtube.

My wig consultation is next week :|.


My Regimen
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I went back to Zix to try again and I have immense headaches. At first, I thought it was just coincidence. Nopeee...

As for Saw Palmetto, my stomach can't handle it :| even with a full meal.

*For Regenepure or w/e you call it. Do you really think it slows down hair loss??? I use Nizoral but it only gives me volume and less scalp itch. I'm shedding like mad now :|. This might be BS but have you heard of taking in Fenuk powder orally? mixing with hot water etc..not sure if I should give it a try or not b/c the Indian youtuber is like blah blah it's all in your diet etc..Lot of BS noncritical thinkers on youtube.

My wig consultation is next week :|.

There was so much hype about Zix omg

After learning and reading tons I realized that everybody is different, and just because Zinc sulphate + B6 helped some person by putting it on his scalp because that's EXACTLY what he needed, doesn't mean it's going to work for the other 99%. It was very naive from me actually. It f*****g worked in an experiment in vitro!! Not even in humans!! Lol

I think best way when natural is to try multi approach. You won't know what helped the most or didn't help at all, but you increase your chances that something will tremendously. So:





Scalp massage

Good shampoo/conditioner

Try these 6 all together and I'm sure your chances of getting better will dramatically improve. I would still try these 6 even if I was on finasteride/minoxidil

If saw palmetto doesn't work oral, try topical. Try caffeine topical which is great. Some dermastamp/wounding. Massaging 20 min twice a day. Deep tissue massage. Avoid sugar and alcohol, quit smoking. Eat more antioxidants. Take a good supplement that has good nutrients to grow hair. Use a really good shampoo and conditioner. And so on. There are so many thing you can do and I'm sure natural has to be close or even better than finas/mino and without all the ugly sides

Oh and Keto shampoo will mostly help I guess. It has helped me. The one I use now doesn't have it but I will still use keto once a week or so. Good luck!