Need help finding Dr. for hair/scalp analysis


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Hello everyone,

There is a link to my story at the bottom if interested.

I have had persistent scalp acne for many years (the only thing that has stopped it, but only temporarily, has been Accutane) and also have diffuse thinning all over my scalp. My scalp is also very itchy at times, as well as painful (mostly caused by the acne). I also get white bulb-like things on my scalp that are very tiny (about the size of a grain of sand maybe). I also get red bulbs as well as small raised scabs.

I have had a bad habit, pretty much as long as I can remember, of running my fingers along my scalp and pulling out the bulbs and picking off the scabs. I know I must have some condition on my scalp.

I have never had my scalp actually looked at by a Dr. and I would love to find a Dr. who could analyze my scalp/hair and diagnose and treat my condition.

If anyone can recommend a Dermatologist or any Dr. who could analyze my scalp I would appreciate it. I know I could just try any Derm, but most have not been any good as far as my experience goes. I live in NYC, but would travel anywhere for the right Dr.

Thanx in advance,