Need help: Interpret my dream


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Last night I dreamed that I was a policeman and I had a police dog named Nizoral. This dog was really wimpy though. He was kicked twice in the stomach by a guy we were trying to apprehend. I yelled real loudly at this guy "do NOT kick the dog!!!"

The Gardener

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Well, my Jungian read on it would be that the dog represents how your hairloss makes you feel. Although the dog is named "Nizoral", the naming of it is reflective of your attempts to make your hairloss better by using Nizoral and your regimen. The man kicking the dog represents the broader aspect of man, or, mankind, so to speak.. and mankind is kicking you because of your hairloss stigma. You, internally, are telling him NOT to kick Nizoral, believing that Nizoral is something that should make your hairloss better, and something that is not worth getting "kicked" about.

My Behavioralist read on it would be that you are thinking too much about male pattern baldness and the name Nizoral was on your mind at the time you started falling asleep. As for people kicking your dog, that is reflective of some aspect of your life that is causing you pain or problems, and you are attempting to detach from yourself from the issues by projecting the problems onto a harmless little dog that is separate from you yet still connected and controlled by you. Whatever part of life is "kicking" you right now, address it, and the dog will go away in future dreams.

My Freudian read on it is that you are into man-man-canine threesome orgies, you like policeman-type role playing, and you like it rough. Oh, and what sex was the dog? If he was male, then you're gay. If the dog was female, then you have residual hangups with how your mother treated you as a child.


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My Freudian read on it is that you are into man-man-canine threesome orgies, you like policeman-type role playing, and you like it rough. Oh, and what sex was the dog? If he was male, then you're gay. If the dog was female, then you have residual hangups with how your mother treated you as a child.

Those first two interpretations were way off the mark but you hit the bull's eye with this third.

I like rough gay dog sex.


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I dont know about you guys but i dont think dreams mean much of anything.I mean I once had a dream i was a raccoon what does that make me a bank robber?I think dreams are just your mind at work and how creative you are when the lights go out.


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hey guys, my first post:) i just signed up to take part in this thread, cos i had a hairloss dream thats kinda sick, funny, and weird, and i liked the psycoanalyst stuff. try your hand at this:
i'm sitting on my bed with and ex-girlfriend, a serious ex. She's looking pretty ill, and her hair's cut short and looking messy, but its all there. She says to me that she's waiting for her dutasteride to come. Then we f***, and then she's dead; i've bagged her up and i'm thinking that i could get in trouble if anyone finds out i killed her! there was no killing in the dream, but it seemed like i had done it :S

do i need therapy or what? i got an email off the girl the next day out of the blue, and i tried replying, as she was talking about a dream where i was ill too. i was gonna fill her in on the details, but i kept dropping my keyboard and closing the browser. maybe it was for the best;)


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The Gardener said:
Well, my Jungian read on it would be that the dog represents how your hairloss makes you feel. Although the dog is named "Nizoral", the naming of it is reflective of your attempts to make your hairloss better by using Nizoral and your regimen. The man kicking the dog represents the broader aspect of man, or, mankind, so to speak.. and mankind is kicking you because of your hairloss stigma. You, internally, are telling him NOT to kick Nizoral, believing that Nizoral is something that should make your hairloss better, and something that is not worth getting "kicked" about.

My Behavioralist read on it would be that you are thinking too much about male pattern baldness and the name Nizoral was on your mind at the time you started falling asleep. As for people kicking your dog, that is reflective of some aspect of your life that is causing you pain or problems, and you are attempting to detach from yourself from the issues by projecting the problems onto a harmless little dog that is separate from you yet still connected and controlled by you. Whatever part of life is "kicking" you right now, address it, and the dog will go away in future dreams.

My Freudian read on it is that you are into man-man-canine threesome orgies, you like policeman-type role playing, and you like it rough. Oh, and what sex was the dog? If he was male, then you're gay. If the dog was female, then you have residual hangups with how your mother treated you as a child.

I'm always astonished by the The Gardener's posts...


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jikslee said:
hey guys, my first post:) i just signed up to take part in this thread, cos i had a hairloss dream thats kinda sick, funny, and weird, and i liked the psycoanalyst stuff. try your hand at this:
i'm sitting on my bed with and ex-girlfriend, a serious ex. She's looking pretty ill, and her hair's cut short and looking messy, but its all there. She says to me that she's waiting for her dutasteride to come. Then we f***, and then she's dead; i've bagged her up and i'm thinking that i could get in trouble if anyone finds out i killed her! there was no killing in the dream, but it seemed like i had done it :S

do i need therapy or what? i got an email off the girl the next day out of the blue, and i tried replying, as she was talking about a dream where i was ill too. i was gonna fill her in on the details, but i kept dropping my keyboard and closing the browser. maybe it was for the best;)



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heh nizoral your dog? that's funny as hell....