need help on procedure


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I am 28, tried finasteride, to many sides,

however I have had success on RU which has encouraged me to fill in my temples.

I am a noorwood. 2.5-2.75.

RU has made my overall thickness much better, so I am not worries as much about the top of my hair. I want to fill in temples just maybe to get to a noorwood 2.25 ish, and a matching hairline..

Here is the kicker, I only have 9 days to get this done. I am not concerend about what ppl will say when I get back to work, however I just want to make sure I get to work.

I had a cousin who had such bad swelling to the strip surgery that his eyes and face swelled up to a point where he couldnt see. Security wouldnt let him on the plane as he didnt no look like the picture in his ID.

So what do u recomend? I know many will say dont do it and all, but Im really a risk taker, and im mad depressed right now, so Im in all or nothing mode. Either I will be happy with the way I look, or I dont care at all. I dont want to be in between.

So is fue my best option?


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yes, all i have 9 days to get back to work, plus travel,

I am a district manager and my uniform allows for a hat,

I am the least bothered of what people think, as I am not around family, and Wont be living in this state with this job for too long. I can recover and fully grow my hair without seeing anyone that matters to me.

It sucks im going to look like an alien for a while.

My job is pretty much driving around and telling ppl what to do 70 percent of the time and 30 percent from home checking reports.

Thanks for the advice


Senior Member
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Why are you having strip if you're only a NW2.5? :dunno:
And unless you can keep your head covered all the time you really need more time off.


male pattern baldness, may I ask how much RU are you using daily, and in how many ml's of solution? Also, for how long have you been using RU?


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reason for surgery is because, a I am getting it done by a reputable person that has done it on all my family members from a third world country. He has numerous testimonials, and I have seen his work on many of my family members. If I can get work done with that quality for aproximately 1500-2000 dollars then why not?

I really have to get backc to work, and have no issues wearing a hat at all times as my uniform allows it. Hoping there will be no meetings, but if there is Im sure I can explain to my boss ahead of time and he would be ok with it. I have a pretty decent head of hair and its long. So im sure I can have a push it forward style and toppik to conceal if I cant wear a hat.

about the RU

I use about 100mg a day in 3 ml solutions going on two months.
Here is what I know.
1)Its expensive, any thing u may drop will be like a punch in the gut so treat it like gold.

2) To get finasteride like results without finasteride, it seems u need close to 100 or more (but since its so expensive i stay at 100.

3) if finasteride didnt stop hairloss for u this prob wont either

4) Skipping days on RU is NOT a good idea, it took me 3 weeks to get finasteride like results on RU but only missling 5 days, I went from 2 hairs in the shower to 15. Just like that.

5) actually its not that I was skipping, I was traveling, and I felt that RU not refridgirated caused it to go bad. I used it like normal and had more hairloss then the week prior


If u use RU, slowly work ur way to a 100 watching sides. The more hairloss u al have the more solution u need. Only make a 7 day batch at a time max, i am actually considering going on a daily basis, because wasting RU is like Wasting gold, take as much care of it as you can with all precations. Dont miss any days.


Established Member
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Go for a FUE, is the best solution for you. I don't know though if you will be manage to spend only 1500-2000 dollars for that, but if you are Norwood 2 you will probably need few grafts in order to solve your problem. So, consult with some clinics and choose. There are plenty of information in this and other forums too.