Need help with my thinning hair


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So currently I have thinning hair, apparently that's what the trichologist said..she offered Laser treatment, complete bs for a start. So if my hair is genetically balding, thinning, I will try finasteride.

My main question is hairloss doesn't run in my family, uncle nice curly hair till death, grandfather hair till death, dad thick nw1 he is 60 right now, my father's father, full set of hair. Basically it doesn't run in my family so I want to see if anything else is causing it... Can a regular GP see if the hair thinning is due to thyroid issues, stomach issues, etc, or do I have to see someone else? I already have IBS so it could be autoimmune related, even thyroid because I'm tired constantly.

Basically just confused how I find out if my hair thinning isn't genetic, because it literally can't be unless it skipped a generation because no one in my family has lost their hair?


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Pictures. I get no shedding but this clearly has to be more than natural thin hair. My hair is wet. So annoying how I'm the only one in my current close family generation actually balding when no uncle or father or grandfather had it. Will finasteride alone help this sh*t if the dermatologist confirms I'm balding?