need help with - supplements, minerals and vitamins


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question - what are the supplements minerals and vitamins (SMV) and all the other stuff that needed for a good hair ?

for example -
i know that a lack of zinc is a major cause to hair loss,
also a lack of iron.
i also know that vitamin d plays some role.

i am making a plan on taking these goodies in addition to the regular accepted treatment (dutasteride&minx&nizoral etc) so i need to know what to look for,
so if you could please list down - all of these SMVs, with a short explanation of what and how they affect hair loss, or good for hair grouth - it would be great,
youll turn out awesome,
i will really appriciate it



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I would say

Msm with vitamin C

taurine/b6 . the b6 is also needed to activate the magnesium/zinc.

all the fat soluble ones. they need to work together.

vitamin d
vitamin a

taken altogether


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I'm taking the following
Vit b6 + zinc + copper (zinc and copper compete for uptake, copper is needed to reuse iron, so keep these two in balance). Basically, theres a bodybuilding supplement Zinc Matrix which contains all of these
Vitamin C -- 1 g (increases iron uptake), I don't really take iron directly
Grape seed extract (anti-inflammatory)
L-Citrulline for nitric oxide production/blood flow


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I'm taking the following
Vit b6 + zinc + copper (zinc and copper compete for uptake, copper is needed to reuse iron, so keep these two in balance). Basically, theres a bodybuilding supplement Zinc Matrix which contains all of these
Vitamin C -- 1 g (increases iron uptake), I don't really take iron directly
Grape seed extract (anti-inflammatory)
L-Citrulline for nitric oxide production/blood flow
dude nitric oxide is a free radical...
you'd wanna get rid of it, not produce it ...
but i guess that what you originally meant, right ?


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theres is some issue with taking zinc along with iron (and other stuff as well),
they counteract eachother,
so youll need to take them apart,
im not yet sure what are the exact directions, but im gonna check that out.


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dude nitric oxide is a free radical...
you'd wanna get rid of it, not produce it ...
but i guess that what you originally meant, right ?

No, to produce it. Bodybuilders take arginine/l-citrulline to have bulgy veins -- it's a vasodilator, it dilates capillaries.
Minoxidil works the same way

Body produces NO naturally though excersize


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unless you are deficient in that stuff adding more than is necessary to your diet wont help

and if your loss was truly caused by being deficient, the loss would be all over your head and not in a male pattern baldness pattern. So unless the sides and thin are as thin as the top, you are pretty much wasting your time


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ok zz you already told me that on another post,
please if you have nothing useful to say dont waste your time on me


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Although i agree that vitamins probably aren't the way to win the battle i use some myself as i like to do everything i can do and it probably can't hurt. I secretly hope my recently resting hair (shedding because of finasteride) will grow faster with the use of vitamins, or at least increased health of the existing ones will make it less noticeably.

I "stole" this guys' regimen

Seem to be important ones for hair.

Omega 3 (Hair and general health)
Collagen (Hair related, haven't done enough research on this one yet)
Lysine (Hair and general health)

Royal jelly (General health)
Vitamin B2 (Silica seems to lower vitamin B2 levels)
Mulitivitamin(General health)

Hope it helps and i don't want to take over your thread, but am i missing Magnesium, Iron and Zinc? More opinions on these three as well?


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emma Clarke claims to have helped a lot of people with hair loss just by following her diet of vegetables, herbs... I don't believe it would help, just was wondering somebody had heard about it or tried it?
eating lots of vegs is very good for the skin / hair / and nails.
some herbs also may fight directly male pattern baldness/hairloss, like - saw p., nettle etc

basically - it makes you much more energized, yet calm and focused, powerfull and kinda strong.
lowers insulin, blood sugar, less cravings (to anything actually) and breakouts,

so its a good practice to eat a carrot as a snack, instead of a piece of salamy or cheese.


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Hello all! I need your help; actually I look very slim so, I want to put on some weight. Few of my friends suggest me to take prohormones supplements but I am very confused and want to know more reviews on this product. Please share your great views about this product.