Need Opinions, Unusual Response w. Emu and Reduce finasteride


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On 11-2, I reduced finasteride from 1mg to 0.5 mg, and tried emu oil at night. On 11-3, noticed reduced shower sheds, and dramatically reduced daytime sheds. Upwards to 100 hairs come out per day all over my desk and keyboard, but on 11-3, hardly any came out. Today is the same story.

My initial thought was that emu oil is helping to manage the dryness from the minoxidil, reducing shed. But is it possible that reducing the finasteride contributed tp reducing shed? Or perhaps the emu oil was irrelevant, and it was the reduced finasteride that reduced the shedding?

This doesn't seem likely to me, but I pose it in light of all the propecia shedding reports we have, including my own. I began shedding about 7 days into finasteride, (massive shed within 14 days) but I cannot attribute these sheds entirely to finasteride. I am also on minoxidil 5%.


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Why did you reduce your finasteride dosage Weepy?
I hope this is because you are experiencing serious sides.

Ok you simply show me that you are unable to maintain a fixed regimen and I doubt you will have results eventually. You change minoxidil concentrations, finasteride dosage, constantly adding or removing stuff. Dryness has nothing to do with your current shedding as the hairs shed entered telogen MONTHS ago. With every little change you make you will have to wait 6 months to see if it really helps your hair. You are 2 months in and you never gave your hair a break to settle.

I will stop trying to get you back to a steady regimen, it seems futile.

Good luck.


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My left breast seems to be expanding.

The core of my regimen hasn't changed. It has always been minoxidil + propecia. There may have been a total of 5 days where I was not strict, I have to check my spreadsheet. (i.e., switched briefly to 15% minoxidil, took a few days off. Skipped one day of propecia.)

Anyway, I know I'm a bit nervous. But I really do appreciate all your support.


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You should face your nervousness differently in my opinion. Not by swapping regimens. It will never end this way.

Unless you are experiencing nipple tenderness or burn/pain, I doubt this is really the beginning of gyno and you not freaking out.


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God knows I'm trying. That is really good advice. Don't face your anxiety by changing regimens. It's counterproductive. I will sincerely take that to heart.

At any rate, the truth is, my core regimen hasn't changed at all. It has always been minoxidil 2/day (one day with Xandrox15) + finasteride 1/day. I've basically only added supplements. This is an error, I realize. But I have not been in a state of mind to appreciate the value of parsimony. Where regrowth is concerned, we want more; and in a panic, one might conclude that more medications may equal more regrowth.

Edited to Add Yes you're right. I always panic and forget about the hair cycle.