need propecia advice



sh*t, I defenitely gained some wieght since on propecia. I honestly defenitely think propecia is messing me up.

I used to be skinny and I could eat whatever the hell I want untill I started propecia. And genetically this should not be happening. My dad and I have the same metabolism and he was thin until he was in his 50's. I don't even eat that much. I don't eat anything really and I am gaining wieght. It all started since I started taking propecia.

Plus before I started taking Propecia I would have the fattest loads, huge stamina, and huge erections. But now I have small loads, not to big stamina, and average blah blah. Propecia and my products helped a lot but my hair is still not perfect. If i dropped propecia would my hormones and everything go back to normal?

Man life is a b**ch. I have to pick between normal hormones or hair. I saw a picture of me from like 14 and I want to cry. My hair looked so good and my life was great. Now I have to have these damn dillemas. I can't believe I went from a stud to a loser in the course of 2 years. Hairloss blows. My hair looks so much better thanks to the products but I just dont know what to do. Advice from any1 please.

I been on Propecia for like 6 months, if I drop it will my hormones hopefully go back to the way they where before? I am 17 1/2


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Increased weight, erectyle disfubctions and so on are some of the rarely reportet Finasteride side effects. Perhaps you should see your doctor. But be aware of the fact that erections are intrinsically combined with your psychological status. I'm sure many have such side effects just because they know that they exist. Stop taking finasteride for 2 weeks and see if the side effects lower!



Hey. Really I didnt know increased wieght was a side effect from finasteride? I thought it was just in my head. But my wieght gain has to be from the finasteride. I was skinny my whole life and yet all of a sudden I am gaining wieght when I didn't change my diet. And yet I noticed ever since i started propecia i feel like sh*t. Like I dont have a good sense of wellbeing. Some days are worse then others. Before I started propecia I had a ton of problems but i always had a good sense of wellbeing.

I just dont want to choose between my hair and hormones.


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As already said, don't take your Finasteride for two weeks. I think it makes no sense continuing the treatment with that heavy side effects. (I've als heard that some guys grow irreversible tits...)
Don't worry: Finasterid side effects normally disappear soon after stopping the treatment. Anyway, see your Doctor. There are lots of other possibilities to fight Hairloss!

Good luck.



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hey Bismarck,
why is it that in another post you were questioning the people on this forum and that you thought no treatments would work towards hair loss? Now you're an expert on finasteride????? Are you in "Kahoots"?


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jimmystanley said:
hey Bismarck,
why is it that in another post you were questioning the people on this forum and that you thought no treatments would work towards hair loss? Now you're an expert on finasteride????? Are you in "Kahoots"?

Hey it only takes one night of searching and reading posts to become an expert. No need to attack the guy when he's just trying to help. He's actually giving good advice. What do you have to contribute?


There's been a few reports of suspected weight gain due to finasteride so you're not alone. Just make sure you rule out all other possibilities. Be prepared for everyone to start saying you're imagining it. Good luck on your choice, it's a tough one.



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youngguy, why dont you just hit the gym and see what that does for you? should improve your body fat situation and sense of well being. maybe try a multi vitamin? im sure a certain amount of your erection problem is psychological, im sure when i went through a little drop in libido a lot of it was psychological. maybe you could try adding l-arginine to sort that all out? its very cheap i hear, but speak to someone like redbone for more info on that. if finasteride has been doing good for your hair maybe you want to think about other possibilities before stopping just thinking about how youre gonna feel when you start losing more when you drop it. that could be a blow to the sense of wellbeing if anything.

good luck.


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I can sympathize with your situation man. I started poppin the proscar just before my 18th b-day and it's definetly affected my hormones in both a positive and negative fashion. I KNOW that my erections aren't what they used to be both in duration and hardness. As well I seem to get a little more acne ( a few pimples now and then) when I used to have absolutely none. I know in the long run proscar is going to help my hair but lately i've been wondering if maybe it'd be worth it to give spironolactone a try instead. I'm not having sex yet, but next year when I go off to UNI this could get embarrasing.