need sheds to have success?????


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im almost 6 months in on my propecia regimen. im not sure if there is success or not. i do know that my hair feels lighter, yet its longer, and it feels thicker on the sides.

heres the deal: I NEVER HAD A SHED EVER!!!! i lose probably around 30-40 hairs a day that i notice, either in the shower, brushing, clothes, scratching head. but never lose anything like 300. does this mean that the drug is not working for me???? the majority of the hair im losing is lighter and thinner than the hair on my head. it also a bit more curly
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Don't worry some people don't shed. I think that generally speaking, those that shed have a faster (not necessarily better) response to the drug while those that don't shed see results over a longer period of time. Stick with it for at least another 6 months. Also, keep in mind that you might have already had success in that you have maintained what you would've lost without the use of propecia.