need some advice plz


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hey guys,

I'm 20 years old and my hair has been thinning for a couple of years now. My crown area is the worst effected with quite noticeable hair loss, although my hair is pretty thin on top as well. I am not receding in the slightest, well not yet anyways! I have been reading on these forums about various treatemnts, and have come to the conclusion it is in my best interest to start now before I loose anymore more hair!

Now it seems should use finasteride to maintain, minoxidil to help re-grow, and Nizoral well I'm not sure why but people seem to like that combination. I cant really afford propecia tbh, so was thinking proscar is just as effective and cheaper? as far as minoxidil goes, what strength do you think I should use? and is there a fairly cheap supplier of this? I really only know of rogain. Also "shedding" is rather worrying I want to start on proscar but that is putting me off, one thing that would piss me off is making the situation even worse and by my own actions!

Anyways thanks for reading, I appreciate any advice you guys can offer.

not me!

Experienced Member
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If you can afford it, get the Merck-brand Proscar. Then you have no worries as to whether it is truly Finasteride and truly safe.

The three you mentioned is a damn good combination to combat your hair loss. Just remember, consistency and perservarence is key.

If you have no problems with it, go for the 5% minoxidil. This can be found at Wal-mart in a generic form that costs $12 a month. Can't beat that with a stick.

Best of luck to you.


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Thanks for the quick reply, sry forgot to mention I live in the uk :/ I will see if the same brand is available here, I havent seen my doctor yet for any type of perscription. I would order online thing is I heard customs can seize ure proscar if u dont hav perscription, now that would be a b**ch. I was gonna order from which I hope should be all good. About the minoxidil will the 5% increase risk of shedding? As you can see this whole shedding business is one of my major concerns along with side effects of proscar, but tbh with the proscar side effects I am less worried cus once you stop they stop, but the shedding now thats a different story...