Need some experienced help here,,, plz !


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i'm kinda new here, but i've been reading most of the stuff you guys say, i'm only 19 , my problem is that i have thinning going on at my hairline, and since i always used to put the front of my hair up it's been looking really bad and empty lately cause of the thinning, but i've been using finasteride 1.25mg/day , and around 2ml minoxidil. 5% (applied only once at night), for around 6months now, my hairline got a bit better around the 5 and a half month mark ,,then after that ,, i've been noticing the thinning again and it's looking really bad cause eversince it all started i just grew my hair longer and you can imagine how much worse thinning hair could look when it's longer, i just want to see if this period is temporary ? will i get back to a better position than i am in right now? i mean it got well for a while then it just suddenly got bad in like a week, ,,, please help me if you can, it would be extremely appreciated ,, thanks guys


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no, im not using nizoral,,, do i need prescription for it? or can i get it from any pharmacy, anyway,, i'm using head and shoulders,,,, don't know if that is good? thanx for helping out


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Hi yngwiefan, welcome to the site.

Try not to worry too much, we all have ups and downs with our hair, and your current down may be nothing more than the longer style affecting how the hair lays so that it appears to be thinning rapidly.

But if you're sure it isn't that then chances are you're having a shed, this is nothing to be overly concerned about but have a search on this site for info. and threads on shedding to familiarize yourself with that whole hair growth cycle thing (that's how us technically minded folks describe it).

Lastly two questions, would it be possible for you to go to 2 applications of minoxidil a day (as this would maximize its effectiveness) and are you using a whole 2ml of minoxidil on just your hairline?



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first of all,, thank you both for helping me out,
about what you said, i've been researching as much as i can to familiarise myself with the whole process, and i've heard that it's like a roller coaster ride and how it has it's ups and downs ad stuff,, but you know,, we all worry that maybe it'll just go down, anyway,,, it's not possible for me to apply minoxidil twice per day since it gets all damp in front and it doesnt look right, also makes my hair feel dirty, and yeah,,, i've been using the 2ml in front only,, hairline and a bit behind it,,, i have seen a lot of small thin hair growing,, in front,, some falling and growing back thicker, but it's not really making up for the shedding minoxidil gave me at the beginning,, it's not noticeable though, just thinner and less dense, just to be sure ,, i also think that due to the fact that the hair behind it wasn't shedding yet the minoxidil kind of contributed to shedding of some of those hairs,, but, yeah 2ml up front


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Only asked about the 2ml up front because that's quite a lot to use in a relatively small area, not that I'm saying it's going to do you any harm just that 1ml applied careful (to ensure it gets on the scalp rather than your hair) should be just as beneficial.


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yngwiefan, you can get Nizoral in most pharmacies here in Australia (both the 1% & 2% - no need for a prescription for any of them). Any Soul Patterson have Nizoral and a ok sized bottle of the 2% will set you back around AUD $20.


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Slartibartfast & PartTimeNinja
thanks for your tips,
i'll try to use 1ml minoxidil from now on, i always ensure that i rub it onto the scalp and never waste any of it, by the way i think my hair is starting to get better, at least the shedding has stopped again,
i'll also get some 2% Nizoral and see how effective that can be,
also,,,, how often do you guys use nizoral?,,, is it an everyday thing? and,,, is it antidandruff? like do i keep using head n' shoulders or just completely move to nizoral?


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I use Nizoral 2% about three times a week but never more than that. I never had a bad reaction to it and it does not make my scalp itch. I just think it's pretty hardcore stuff and it does strip your hair.
I think it all comes down to your reaction to nizoral and what you feel confortable with - but i would not use it more than 3 times a week (maybe 4)

What I consider a good shampoo regimen is Nizoral 3 times a week once i a while followed by a good conditioner (I use pantene volume boost conditioner bought in woolworth) I prefer not to wash my hair every day and there are maybe two days a week where I don't wash my hair.