Need some help !!


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So here's a little background of my situation.

It appears I have diffuse thinning all around... mostly on top and the side. i also have overall hairline and temple recession. The back is thicker than the top and sides but i can tell it has thinned over the years.

i spoke to a doctor and was told that my sebaceous glands are overactive. now that i think back, i had dandruff and greasy hair problems as a kid. i guess i was that kid in class with the nasty hair.

I started taking propecia 1mg dosage in August of 2006 at the age of 21. i immediately noticed a week or two in that i was no longer getting morning woods at all. besides that, i did not suffer from any side effects. no breast sensitivity or erection problems (soft erections, lost libido). although i was no longer getting morning woods, i still had no problem getting it up multiple times a night when needed.

my results on finasteride were great, as by March of 2007, my hair thickened all over. i even had my hairline drop the tiniest of bit, but nothing too significant. i noticed hairs growing in my temple areas.

everything was fine through 2007 and the early part of 2008. from january to march of 2008, i began drinking heavily about 2 or 3 times a week and was smoking 5-10 cigarettes a week. my diet was terrible for that period too. i would sometimes skip dinner to drink away. by the end of march, i noticed that i was seeing more and more of my scalp in the mirror and more hairs shedding in the shower and in the sink. i brushed it off and told myself it was a synchronized shed i was experiencing. by mid may, the shedding had not stopped, so i started eating super healthy and worked out more often.

i could tell my hair had thickened slightly by the end of july, but since then i have seen no improvement.

i also had a terrible experience in august, where i could not get it up for the life of me. i'm still having issues with getting a hard erection and maintaining it.

so my questions are

1) can the onset of finasteride side effects be delayed?
2) or are there other factors involved in my ED? i know it's not in my head. i just don't feel right. and i don't really have any urges to have sex anymore. i've corrected my diet for several months now and have not seen an improvement at all.

i know these are probably questions everyone has posted and seen over and over. please direct me to some threads or offer any advice on what i should do.

i'm thinking i should lower my dosage to .25 or .5 mg a day or stop it completely and switch to a topical formula. note: i have also been using nizoral 1% for a good two years now.

so i'm basically in a predicament... do i go off finasteride and have more hair fall out, but potentially fix my ED, or do i stay on it at a lower dosage and risk any more effect on my libido problems. please help


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Unless there is some stress or depresion going on in your life it is most likelly finestride causing your ed. Bare in mind though mens sex drives get less when they get older.

If you are taking finestride you obviously dont want to lose your hair, but at the same time you dont want the side effects that come with it. You should try lowering the dose, it has corrected this problem for many people on this forum, including me. At the very least this side effect will be reduced.

Some people are taking estrogen blockers to counter this problem. I take saw palmetto and green tea which also blocks estrogen as well as dht and my sex drive is even higher. I too got sexual side effects from finasteride when at full dose (1mg). Saw palmetto on the other hand didnt give me bad side effects and blocks dht (the cause of hairloss) like finestride. I dont know how effective saw palmetto is when dealing with hairloss, but it has increased my sex drive. I take it with finestride at low dose to make sure it stops my hairloss without the side effects. Hope this helps