Need some tips on getting started..(TIA)


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Great site =)

Spent the good part of today looking around and there's a surplus of great tips and information here. So i decided to join in and be part of the action...

I'm 27 years old and have noticed some serious changes happening up top and i'm not impressed with the new look. I've shaved my head down to a buzz cut and still see the massive thinning thats occured. The only thing I could do next is whip out the Mach3 and completely clearcut the SOB but after reading through this site I believe theres hope.

What I really need advice on is setting up a plan of attack..

Now I went out and bought Nizoral today...(great article!)

I've been using Nisim for 3 real changes of course it's very early in the game to predict whether or not this is doing anything positive.

I can access the Minoxodil (Rogaine) at my local drug store but is this the brand I should go for?

I set up an appointment with my doctor about getting propecia or proscar...obviously pill chopping is no worry to me so I'll get whatever is cheaper.

What other things can I get that will help me out. I've read over the many different types of applications but I'm a little lost in choosing one over the other.

All help is greatly appreciated.. :lol:


welcome to hell....:freaked:

only joking ...

the best starting point will always be the 'Big Three'

minoxidil Rogaine (expensive) or one of the many generics (cheaper) 2 applications of 5% (one in the morning one in the evening)

finasteride Propecia (expensive) Proscar (cheaper, needs to be cut into 5ths) or a generic 'Fincar' etc 1mg once a day

Nizoral or/and T/Gel shampoo Nizoral 2-3 times a week, T/Gel on the other days

this is a good starting point, many will have additions to this, you might end up going for 'the Big Four'™©jesusFreak2004 and stick a copper peptide in there as well.

good luck, sounds like you caught the bastard early.



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Thanks for the speedy response :)

I'm battling the odds of 2 men in my family (dad & grandad) who both have lost quite a bit of hair in their lives. These treatments were not really available for them at the time so I would love to be the first one on my side to maintain or sustain my current patch.

I'll definitely keep everyone posted with the results.



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You can get the same thing at costco for significantly cheaper. Don't waste your money there.


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Thanks again =)

I will check in at costco and see if they have it in stock (canada)


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